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Waylander The Origional

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Everything posted by Waylander The Origional

  1. Waylander The Origional


    First good single player suggestion I have seen. I've been here a while.
  2. Waylander The Origional


    Op is idiot. /thread
  3. Waylander The Origional

    Mental Condition/Emotion System

    I experienced shock when I killed my first player and realised what I had done (Wiped out several hours of anothers time). I stood there like an idiot for the first 30 seconds it took for his buddy to ventilate my baseball cap. We don't need this system.
  4. I'm not a fanboy. I'm a programmer that knows how a development process should work, the cardinal sin of which is releasing an update to the public that further damages their product - alpha or not.
  5. That is not how updates work.
  6. Waylander The Origional

    Sacred Ground

    Back on the mod, there used to be a general policy in certain circles of not commiting murder of any kind on holy ground (IE: Churches and graveyards) Do people still keep to this? Should people still keep to this?
  7. Waylander The Origional

    What is good about this game?

    I can give you a thousand possible and viable reasons why this current patch was delayed, and I'm only a freshmen comp-sci student. Code is complicated people, quit getting pissy over delayed progress.
  8. Waylander The Origional

    2 major issues restricting the alpha of it's potential.

  9. Waylander The Origional

    Today's experience

    >Spawned in Elektro >Loot it. >Run to cherno. >Encounter two well armed men. >Handcuffed >Asked to critically appraise their singing >give good feedback >Get beans. >Loot cherno >Shot at - twice. Both miss >Head north >Head east. >Loot Solchiny. >Head to berezino. >Loot. >Encounter player named "Wolf" >Give water. >Get shot in face. >Dead.
  10. Waylander The Origional

    Today's experience

    Well I'm not finding them.
  11. Waylander The Origional

    Chernarus++: No area left behind!

    I'd like to see more wrecked ships out in the ocean. Get a boat or swim out to them, or use them as a base. The aircraft carrier (Albeit, junked) from the arma 2 campaign would be nice.
  12. Waylander The Origional

    Today's experience

    Not much choice when my only option is to hatchet things to death. I always spawn so far from military spawns it takes me a solid couple of hours to get *near* a pistol.
  13. Waylander The Origional

    Most scenic spot in Chernarus plus?

    I like the view over cherno from the roof of the industrial complex. But I'm odd.
  14. Waylander The Origional

    My team and I are starting a Berezino Mafia

    So basically, another bandit group. Because there is such a shortage already.
  15. Waylander The Origional

    Guilt over some KOS experiences.

    If they were a creadible threat? Yeah, blast away If not, why waste the ammo?
  16. Waylander The Origional

    I hate to be that guy but...

    Have you every tried to write a programme that is in anyway complicated? More to the point, have you ever had to do a total conversion on code from a different group that may or may not use different ways of doing things? If the answer to either of those is "no" - you have no right to complain at the pace at which content (either of the blog or patch veriaty) is released.
  17. Waylander The Origional

    Sacred Ground

    Sombody deleted my post so I'll say it again: Keep your shit out of my thread. You don't like it? Go somewhere else.
  18. Waylander The Origional

    Looking For Veteran Advice On Best Dayz Mods

    Namalsk is a PVP blast where most of the buildings are military loot. I've gone from zero to geared in 15 minutes there. Origins is very good, basically dayZ+extras on a very well designed Taviana Map. Taviana is the same as basic dayZ with some new vehicles. Epoch is the mod to go to apparently, but I never really played it much.
  19. Waylander The Origional

    Sacred Ground

    I don't keep gods either, does not stop me from respecting those who do.
  20. Waylander The Origional

    Sacred Ground

    This thread is not a religious debate. Keep the "Muh god bettah than your god" arguments out of it.
  21. Waylander The Origional

    Sacred Ground

    I'm not religious. Its more a matter of respect for others than an acknowledgement of faith. The general idea was to provide a safe-ish place for the wounded or non-hostile to get aid in the place sombody is least likely to let fly. I've had people pop shots at me and then hide in the church - I either leave them be or wait for them to leave. I thought russian churches *were* orthodox.
  22. I once held up a pair of snipers on top of the Cherno Industrial complex. I told the one who actually shot at me (the other only had a M16 and I heard DMR rounds pinging) to jump and I would spare his friend. He jumped. I shot the friend in the head with a pistol. I am not proud.
  23. Waylander The Origional

    Solar Powered Camo Golf Carts

    How is DayZ "In the future" .....
  24. Waylander The Origional

    Looking for Roleplay Server!

    Im looking for a server with several fairly specific criteria, and was wondering if any of you can point me in the right direction. Roleplayers: I would like to finda server where people communicate. Side chat is a plus, radio functionality is better Loot Tables: While not required, An altered loot table where military grade firearms are rare TS:Must have teamspeak Admin: Must be frequently patroled by admins or have other steps taken to remove hackers from the enviroment Roleplay Events: While not required, any servers with admin-run senarios or events would be EPIC.
  25. Waylander The Origional

    DayZ theme Song
