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Everything posted by UndeadAssassin22

  1. UndeadAssassin22

    AS50 TWS (hacker found dead)

    this is the reason im not going to get rid of the gun "Markedgun"
  2. UndeadAssassin22

    AS50 TWS (hacker found dead)

    I'm the one with the as50 TWS now (or PheoniX's friend) and i was also in Electro too when this happened. When i went to the west side of electro (where this all took place) there was a fire at the shore about 100x bigger more than normal, and a crashed helicopter in the center i would have took a picture of the scenario but i was not in steam and my regular screenshot taker did not work with arma. PheoniX was stupid (or smart) enough to go the helicopter and see what was going on. he actually found a dead hacker body (with the glitch where your standing when you die) and found all of this loot and an extra ghille suit on his body ("extra" to the one that he was wearing) he looted it by carrying every thing in his backpack that he found on the hacker and met up with me in prig (west of electro). im saying all of this for whoever has doubts about this story.
  3. I love DayZ, and playing it with my friends. But just recently I found out that every server that I joined would then immediately afterwards i would get kicked. I have done nothing wrong, my ping is not high enough to get kicked and it happens on every server I join. I use the six launcher so i don't know why I would be out-dated but that's the reason I can only think of. I really need some help, and I'll take any and all advice.