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Posts posted by s0ftcorn

  1. Hello everyone!

    Sooo we bought a server because we were ... not satisfied with the servers in the list. The time was not always correct and the third person view was missing, bla bla bla... long story short we got ourselfs our own server. Buuut we have a huge problem with cheaters. Not only on our server but nearly every second death is caused by a cheater. Like a few days ago... two guys in ghillie suites and with bot equiped with sniper rifles, we killed them and they had only food and a civilian clothing... Would not be a problem, but as they showed up 5 minutes again in ghillies with nearly the same gear. We did not kick them or ban them but this is not the only time we saw stuff like that happen. I read that there are some possibilities to log everything with some scripts? Is there anywhere a tutorial on that? I could not find anything and with the logs we could at least after the "cheat happens" report the player.
