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About Moosey

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  1. Moosey

    Arma 2 DJ?

    Further investigation suggests that the only way (in DayZ) to do it is through the 'Stereo Mixer' in Windows - That would allow anything playing through the speakers to come out through the microphone.
  2. Moosey

    Arma 2 DJ?

    Does anyone know of a program similar to Half Life's HLDJ (Plays music ingame through the microphone)? I asked the Google guy and he didn't know. Really want to play 'Fortunate Son' flying over Chernarus, and holding a microphone to my speaker just isn't cutting it...
  3. Moosey

    Remove kill information

    Some of these options are handled by the server you are on, it is up to the admin to disable them. I would like to see the Kill Count go though...
  4. Yes, your friend will just need to change the time on his server and the DayZ server will reflect this.
  5. Moosey

    How to stop Alt+F4

    They had a timed logout system like this before but it was exploited... Users would disconnect, rejoin and then loot their still disconnecting body to duplicate items.
  6. Moosey

    Global Ban Due to being Hacked

    My sister was playing on my account and got me banned lol can you unban me lol :D :(
  7. I would also suggest finding some mates who are willing to play with you. DayZ can be a lonely and frustrating experience if you are in the wilderness all by yourself.
  8. Moosey

    Whats up with all the nerds..

    This is not twitter - Leave your status updates elsewhere
  9. DayZ is the baddest of them all, If you ain't 'bout money, then I don't mess with y'all Y'all think I don't get girls, cause I ain't very tall If she see my stacks, I bet you that she calls
  10. Moosey

    Found a use for tincans/whisky bottles

    This idea is the blurst. No lid means you would have to dual wield cans all day, while the smarter man throws empty tin cans at your face and shoots you. You try to fight back, but you have cans in your hands and don't want to spill your water.
  11. I've found it very hard to trust anybody I stumble across in the north. You can feel them eyeing that sweet weapon you've got slung over your shoulder. Never hunted a person actively, but if I'm in a well established group of 4 - 5 survivors and somebody is approaching, it's kill or be killed.
  12. Moosey

    Clear Sky Nights are TOO DARK!!!

    I don't mind the dark too much - It changes the whole game. The search for flashlights/NV/flares becomes very important. Zombies are less of a factor as they can't see as much. The whole mood is extremely tense. Nothing scares me more than approaching a flare slowly and searching for the person that threw it. One complaint is the rain though... it seems to rain 80% of the time during the night (for me atleast), can't see a god damn thing.
  13. Moosey

    The moment that changed me.

    Awesome story - There are so many epic moments in this game. I found that the moment I changed was when I upgraded my weapons. As soon as I found an M4 the whole game changed for me, I no longer needed random survivors for help. Long live the bandit!