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About stefeman

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  1. stefeman

    So I recently started a private server with Vilayer

    Yeah same here.. And my friend was also wiped clean. You know what? all of the providers suck balls at the moment. We'd be much better hosting them on our own. You'll have to pay 125 usd month for 50 players server @ Fragnet and other providers are not any cheaper. I would just order Quad core Xeon from OVH, SyS, or Online.net for 40 usd and run 4 servers instead if I could host myself instead of submiting to this current BS method. It's as if you're punished when you try to contribute into this game by hosting a server when it's made so difficult and unpleasant thing to do. So devs, is it really so important to protect the server files so you want to upkeep this forced promoted hosting?
  2. stefeman

    Whats up with Vilayer..?

    Well, they fucked up twice with my ticket :P In the end they never responded the query regarding Finnish server location. It was set to Sweden shortly after.. ..or so i thought. In fact the server was located in the Netherlands which i found out via tracert and high ping even though it said in control panel that it would've been in sweden. After i sent another support msg saying the location of server is not what was agreed upon, they changed the ip adresses and moved the server again.. This time it's finally in sweden.. the reason was: but still not in finland which i paid for lol They gave me 1 extra week which is nice, but im not gonna renew in Vilayer.. that is for sure. If you order a location that is not in stock, you won't get a server unless you are willing to change the location. They made it very clear with lack of any support and messages. Everything suddenly worked out great when i finally changed the location from out of stock place.
  3. stefeman

    What's the best server host out there?

    DayZ server uses 1 core, which is why Vilayer hosts 4 of them per machine with different port numbers. That's what I think based on my experience with them :P
  4. stefeman

    What's the best server host out there?

    For performance, go to Fragnet. it's the first one to come up after updates and it's the least lagging GSP with least desync. However it's the most expensive one. But they have nice support :) For price, go to Vilayer. They offer same features and tools, but for almost half price. However they are the last servers to come online after updates and they have some desync issues and their persistence is not working as good as other GSP's. And most of all, their support is bellow average due the insane wait times.
  5. stefeman

    Tents are bugging out in my server.

    Yeah, you can backup and restore persistence files on all hosts. Perheaps even use this feature to skip the wednesday maintenance wipe by backing up on tuesday and restoring in wednesday. With same logic one could possibly even use this feature to dupe items([REMOVED]), which is why i've been hesistant to use it as i don't know the rules for it. One thing is sure, it was the server and not a player since according to one player, even fireplace was taken but not the items in the second tent next to it. Unless the looters needed that fireplace for something and had a reason to ignore even bigger loot ;) Either way, it's not my tent or base so it can be bullshit as well. What concerns me is that there is more than 1 report.
  6. stefeman

    Tents are bugging out in my server.

    People are losing randomly the items in tents and even the tents theirselves after server restarts. Any ideas what it might be about? It's a Vilayer 30-slot public hive server. Persistence is enabled
  7. stefeman

    Trucks and PE on.

    I'm getting somewhat conflicting info about that.. Some claims their tents and stuff still exists for the most part after wednesday wipes.
  8. stefeman

    Trucks and PE on.

    What about the wednesday wipe? Is it still happening? does it happen with trucks? e.g tents losing all items.
  9. stefeman

    What is going on? - "Bec Service has been terminated."

    How to fix BEC "Now Bec. There is a kill signal sent on version check. This kill signal has only been used before on reporter accounts that tried to abuse|exploit the system. As you have discovered the fix|workaround is simple All you have to do is block any request done to ibattle.org by Bec. either in your sw firewall (windows firewall) or on your router Bec will work normally after that. with the exception of the reporter account and version checking. Why did i do this kill signal? So people stop sending|requesting "garbage" traffic being sent|received to|from bansys & ibattle. as im no longer providing any services there." Of course you won't be getting much support anymore.. but this will allow it to work "as it is". untill something breaks.
  10. stefeman

    Whats up with Vilayer..?

    I bought a server 72 hours ago and suddenly it's some backorder according to their customer support. (They basically sold me non-existing hardware and put me on queue for a non-specific wait time). So now they expect me to wait untill some other people order as well from the said location so they will setup new servers there. Of course there was no mention about that when i ordered so i was ready for that 2 hours wait time. it's been 72 hours now and as i've filed support ticket 70 hours earlier with "HIGH" priority and asked them for answers or location switching but there has been no messages so far regarding those. Considering the price was only 44€ for 30-slots server @ Finland(EU), is this kind of support (or lack of it) expected? Do any of you have same issues with the said provider? Are they going bankrupt or somehing? Dosen't seem like a normal way to handle customers. What are your experiences with this provider?
  11. stefeman

    Hacker on SE 47

  12. stefeman

    Mass Global Ban Hack?

    What they CAN do is get you global banned from gotcha antihack servers because of setpos violation. Basically they run code through you with remote execute and make it look like as if you teleported yourself. "Global ban hack" is not possible, probly some kid with some flashy messages as said above..
  13. Yeah, it seems to have something to do with unlogged teleport scripts..
  14. Yeah, i was there with my friend.. Total slaughter =/
  15. stefeman

    Invisible teleporter cheater at DE 1722

    Unfortunately logs can be easily faked, so DayZ team dosent accept them i guess =/