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About KPopp

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  1. KPopp

    i feel bad about this :(

    "he just came so cute out of the supermarket." Best part.
  2. KPopp

    Is Mountain Dew bad luck?

    I drink my mountain dew right away when I find them. I haven't had any bad luck doing that!
  3. After looking at server report forums... Servers And admins are reported for every little thing. Kind of takes the ffun out of buying a server anyways.
  4. KPopp

    Most Disappointing Moment of DayZ

    Loading up a bus I just fixed in electro with all supplies (medical, food, etc.) and as I got in to leave...got teleported to the thunder dome hack and died :(
  5. KPopp

    Most satisfying revenge

    Yessssss!!!!! Great story :). Next time screen cap a video if you can :D
  6. KPopp

    Ural won't move.

    Only thing I can think of is that sometimes vehicles get stuck on obstacles. If there is nothing around it... Then I have no idea.
  7. KPopp

    Playing Reasonably?

    My job is video games. Can't stop playing. ..... Baaaaaahhhhhhh. Normally I game about 2 hours a day for work, but with days recently... Ive made it so I am playing about 5 hours a day. I really do need a good slap. Im not sure this is healthy haha
  8. KPopp

    DayZ related movies

    Have to agree. The Road is a great example.
  9. I usually remain friendly until the other person shoots. I then laugh and cackle on the mic and make fun of them for their bad aim because honestly it seems as if 75% of the people I run into can not hit me. I then usually just run away as I talk shit. If the person talks shit back, then I come back and attempt to kill them :). Other than that I just let most people be.
  10. KPopp

    your best moment of discovery

    My best discoveries were mountain dew in the school in Cherno. And a fully operating chopper outside of kamenka. That chopper did not last too long but it was fun while it did!.
  11. So many different raw emotions go into playing this game. Anger, happiness, excitement, sadness, etc. that is what makes it so great in my opinion.
  12. KPopp

    :D ohmahgerd

    D: oh that is awesome.
  13. KPopp

    Just wanted to share this :

    I found a mountain dew and I was super excited. I can't imagine finding the SVD camo. I'd explode!