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About DelusionX

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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  1. DelusionX

    Will Trade AS50 for Vehicle

    There are no dirtbikes in DayZ And I got killed so no bike for me
  2. DelusionX

    Will Trade AS50 for Vehicle

    I'll give you a bike for the AS50 but since bikes are so rare I'll have to ask for a rangefinder too
  3. DelusionX

    Bear Grylls UK 25

    * Server this happened on. uk 25 * Time that it happened including your timezone. 21:30 on the server im GMT +3 * What happened during the incident. Me and my friends heard a bus . we overwatched the bus while we saw 5 guys exits the bus 1 with ghillie suit . a firefight was started we killed one or two of the guys and all of a sudden shots from the rear. it was a guy with a ghillie suit named Bear Grylls. We emptied 2 DMR mags about 50 MK 48 bullets full PP 19 mag and a grenade and he wasnt even bleeding after we saw he wasnt bleeding and he killed 2 of our guys we d/c
  4. DelusionX

    We're friendly!

    Nice duping