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Stormz (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Stormz (DayZ)

  1. Stormz (DayZ)

    Is this a known bug?

    i run 4 monitors i run windows to multi task
  2. Stormz (DayZ)

    Dear Snipers who interrupted our Trade.

    your just retarded snipers always overwatch that tower. i doubt they were hackers. hackers don't check bodies for loot they can have any item in game... why bother taking the risk of getting killed checking your loot at the firstation
  3. Stormz (DayZ)

    Kicked from every server

    Alright everytime i join a game i make it to the server screen then it instantly says i was kicked no reason. it started when i opened steam and noticed steam downloaded something. I usually just use 6 launcher and play but after steam updated something this started happening. read the forums people said to go to properties in steam and validate your files. when i do it it tells me one couldnt be validated so it redownloads the file. but doesnt fix the problem and i can continurally revalidate and it keeps saying that one file is bad.
  4. Stormz (DayZ)

    Kicked from every server

    your amazing your post got me thinking i only validated arrowhead i did both and then opened both to the menu and now its working thanks!