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About azlen

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior

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    Games, Tennis, and Violin
  1. azlen

    Theres nothing to do in DayZ

    I am interested to hear what you did to increase your FPS in cities! If you would be so kind as to enlighten me OP, I would be greatly appreciative. I get decent frames in cities and the game in general, but not enough to where I can accurately shoot if need be. This has been ok for my style of play (generally avoid confrontation if I can help it, I don't need to rain on anyone else's parade and the reverse) but if there is some magical tactic you used, i'd like to get in on it. Would make the game all the more fun. ~Azgaurd
  2. azlen

    LTT l85

    I'll be the first one to say, you probably aren't getting anything because your post is essentially worthless at the moment. You are asking for a gun that does not exist, as there is no MK 40. I ASSUME you mean the MK 48 Mod 0, but who knows. Fix your post if you want to trade. ~Azgaurd
  3. azlen

    Where is Pobeda Dam?

    Look at the very top middle-eastish part of the map. Welcome to tent city!
  4. azlen

    WTB MK48 Mod 0

    OP sounds like a duper, just saying ^_^
  5. azlen

    Cheat free DayZ server!

    Is this a private hive? Or is it connected?
  6. azlen

    Friendly fire?

    It is often a result of people relogging (or logging into period) high danger zones. It happens quite alot at the north-western airfield, as well as Cherno and Elektro (often on rooftops). Most of the time it is simply a poor choice to log out. Occasionally it is just bad luck and being at the wrong place at the wrong time. I personally like the system, because it allows you some leeway if you weren't given any chance to fight back. However, as I mentioned, it technically duplicates gear, and can be easily exploited. Also it is good if you want to get to the coast from up north and have no good form of transportation. All it takes is a friend, prefferably a laggier server (helps ensure success), and one bullet. ~Azgaurd
  7. azlen

    Friendly fire?

    Let me break it down for you. When you are logging into a game, for the majority of your load time, you are not physically in game. However, once you see the indicators on the right side of your screen (this has a bit of grey area, sometimes a little before, sometimes a little after) your character will materialize INTO the game. You will have no control until your loading process is finished, but you are 100% in game. IF you are KILLED during this time period, where you have no control over your character and are both considered in game, and not at the same time, it will count as "friendly fire." This will almost always send the player to a spawn spot on the coast with all of their gear, as well as leave a body behind to loot. I personally witnessed a rare occasion where I was killed while loading in, relogged, and was not sent to the coast, but stood up right where I had "died". This was very peculiar, as my body was there and fully lootable. But basically, that's what it is. Hope that helps! ~Azgaurd
  8. I don't really see it as pay to win. Here is what pay to win is: You pay money, life gets easier by a flat amount. The only tradeoff is the money. With another account, this is not so. Because WITH that second account, think of what all comes into play. He has to actively manage 2 blood levels, 2 inventories, 2 locations, 2 whole games essentially. Another account adds alot more technical control to be used effectively. It isn't some bot that will be a dead-aim sniper and always have blood bags/bandages/epi-pens ready and waiting. HE still has to do everything himself. All it does is give him more options in regaurds to the game, but does it just make the game easier? I say no. I see what you are saying, that someone with only one account can't do what he does, but their life is also much easier, choices are simpler. Having two accounts doesn't just make the game flat out easier, so that's why I say it isn't exactly cheating. As I said before though, it WOULD detract (in my opinion) from what DayZ should be. But is it cheating? Not really. Just more possibilities to a game. ~Azgaurd
  9. It's interesting how many bad assumptions you have made, almost to the point of humor. Almost. The first half of your response is irrelavent, as all I did was explain what most people think when they hear a helicopter. Basically I was trying to explain why people would run away from you, as you seem to have a weak grasp on the concept. Also, how does hearing gunshots and seeing zombies make anyone run into them? "Dude look! Zombies are getting shot! Lets run into them!" I don't know about you, but neither me nor any of my friends are anywhere close to that idiotic. So that has your bad assumtion out of the way. So I don't really see how you've made me look like an idiot. But hey, whatever lets you sleep at night right? But since I like shameless plugs, and maybe some people will go over this, My 2 group members both make Youtube videos. Anyone check them out if you feel ever so inclined! http://www.youtube.com/user/westerntuna?feature=CAgQwRs%3D - Oreb http://www.youtube.com/user/GrathalVids?feature=CAQQwRs%3D - Grathal
  10. I don't see any reason to see it as cheating. You are giving yourself an advantage, and although i'm sure there are some people out there who might say otherwise, what's wrong with that? If you can enhance your own gaming experience, I say go for it. But also keep in mind that in regaurds to grabbing your stuff between characters, you are going to be more attached to your things, and constantly worrying about dying to that extent detracts from the fun of the game! Just something to think about. ~Azgaurd
  11. Also, stop and think for a moment, say you didn't have a helicopter. Say one flies overhead, you essentially have 2 options, regaurdless of gear (fresh spawn, Lee Enfield status, AKM, AS50). You either shoot it down, or you run away from it. I don't know about you, but i've NEVER had a helicopter fly overhead and I think to myself "Hey! I wonder if they'll give me a ride!" The reality is most of the time I try to find some cover, or if I have a decent weapon and not much to lose, I try my luck at taking it's rotor down. What is really funny about that is half the time helicopter's are flying, they don't even have a gunner. If they do, they might not see you. If they do, they might not have intentions to shoot at you. If they do, they might not have any ammo. If they do, they might be bad shots. Realistically, most ground-folk are fairly safe from helicopters, because in reality, only a small portion of groups that have a helicopter meet the criteria to be douchebags and shoot at you. Lets be honest, if you have a helicopter, you probably don't need 90% of other people's gear. The only thing you are doing is either ignoring them or harassing them. If you were genuinely a nice person/group, you wouldn't kill fresh spawns simply because they won't join in on your "I want to be nice and help people!" sharade to feel better about yourself. You have a heli. Grats. People don't need your transport services, or they wouldn't run away. It is like getting lucky and finding a fully geared body when you are new. There is no fun in going from zero to hero in 5 seconds. The fun is getting the supplies yourself. Earning them, not being handed them and carted around by guy's who think they are cool in a heli. You are just a pathetic excuse for a nice person. If you were honestly trying to HELP people, KILLING them would never come into play. Unless they are shooting at you. End of story.
  12. azlen

    Radio ?

    The wiki is not 100% accurate, so saying that just because it is in the Wiki means it is a fact, is false. Keep in mind that even highly moderated things such as wiki's can still have false information. So until I see otherwise from Rocket himself, or something more reliable than a wiki, if I ever get my hands on a radio, I'd keep it as a trophy. Same as Mountain Dew is.
  13. azlen

    Trade: high level gear.

    Not to mention saying "I also have access to coyote backpacks, but those would take a decent amount of time to trade." has duper written all over it. I personally have extensively tested and figured out the in's and out's of duping, so this sounds very non-legit to someone who knows what he is talking about. Just saying, you aren't hiding anything with your duper powers.
  14. It is not Auto-Hover. Auto-Hover makes it almost impossible to to move in any one direction without the helicopter correcting itself. The OP and others NOT blaming are talking about a slow gradual rise in the nose of the helicopter to the point where if left to its own devices will eventually bring the helicopter to a stop. It is very annoying and if you are traveling a large distance, it can be quite bothersome. Generally to keep the heli at the same angle I want, I have to tap the down nose key once every second or two.
  15. azlen


    @OP: Diaries, Yes. Notes: Yes. Stats: No. Blood: No. First off, i'll state my opinion: I am sad to see the debug monitor go away. It is going to be a whole new challenge to learn to play without it, and I personally like my zombie kill count. That aside, it is a GREAT thing that they are taking away the debug monitor. You want stats? Go play CoD. This game is NOT intended to be about how many bandit kills you have, how many murders you have, or how many zombies you've killed. You want to know those? Remember them (or press I for zombies because I still believe that will work.) This game is about SURVIVAL, and the only thing that has to do with the debug monitor is blood, which i'll get to in a minute. Removing the debug monitor will help people to stop looking at a noob as a "1" next to their murders, and start seeing them more like another player and human being. As long as the debug monitor is present, people will still view others as not only threats or companions (as it should be), but as stats themselves. What could be a devastating long survival death to you could just be a tick up on the murder meter for a bandit on sniper hill. Now am I saying killing people for sport will go away? No. People are dicks and they will always be dicks, that can't be helped. But it will help the amount of times it happens go down. On to the topic of people whining about the blood going away: Let me ask you something. How do you know if you are really hungry? "Food is blinking." How do you know if you are really thirsty? "Drink is blinking." How do you know if you are really cold? "Temperature is blinking." How do you know if you are bleeding? "White cross is blinking." How do you know if you are really hurt? "It says 2000 blood :D" See the funny thing here guys? Right off the bat, seeing our blood (exactly) makes no sense according to all the other things we have to worry about in DayZ. Most of us here have played a fairly decent amount of time, and we know how food and drink meters work. But how many of you have honestly looked at the blood meter? Other than to check for bleeding, probably not a whole lot. I'll be honest and say I rarely if EVER look at the little drop of blood other than to see if I am hungry for a bandage. But do you REALLY need to know your exact blood level? No. And if you think about it, it makes sense. You can't tell me "oh, im 40 out of 100 thirsty right now, i'll be good until I hit 10 out of 100." The same goes for blood. You can't know "oh, I have exactly 2473.2 units of blood left. I should probably be more careful." This game is SUPPOSED to be about realism, and that is WHY there are no rules enforced on it as it is. It is a world in which its members create. Just as it would be if this disaster actually occured. Rocket talked in his showcase of dogs (woohoo! They look useless!) How he wants to remove ALL icons except for the sight and sound ones. He said EVERYTHING else could probably be done away with. That would mean only relying on cues from your character like grumbling stomach and things like that. There is a good chance that DayZ will one day become just that. You shouldn't see this as something to whine about. You should see this as a new challenge. A way to further prove yourself and shine a new light on the gem that is DayZ. Trust me, I am a huge hater of change, but removing stats, the debug monitor, and exact blood, will be a huge step foreward for us all.