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Diz (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Diz (DayZ)

  1. Maybe this will convince people that DayZ shouldn't be turned into Dead Island with a "Pick up Tin Cans" meta game? No? Okay...
  2. Diz (DayZ)

    DayZ Mod Update

    Blood transfusion Infections, zombie's pulling people from cars, tin can litter and boiling water are cool in a technical way but fucking retarded in a "this was neat for 5min. but now it's just ultra annoying" kind of way. Sure, it's probably fun for the devs to work it out and see just how far they can push the envelope, but over-complication and nuisance for the sake of nuisance are a good way to please a tiny yet vocal minority while pissing off everyone else.
  3. I'm really glad I joined these guys. Everyone's helpful and works together as a team. Transport/backup/etc always available for the asking. We usually roll around in multi vehicles both air and land and just wreak havok. All legit PVPers and no whiners in the bunch. Dedicated server/forums/teamspeak3 FTW. It's pretty hard to even find a bandit clan in the first place, and I found a great one!
  4. Played on your server last night for several hours. all vehicle spawns were empty and loot was pretty thin even at the military spawns. Are you guys having restart issues or something?
  5. Diz (DayZ)

    Stand Alone Better Be POLISHED

    Drop the bullshit semantics, if someone bought Arma2 exclusively for DayZ, they PAID for DayZ. Ask Bohemia how many units they've shifted solely for DayZ. There's a damn reason they put a huge DayZ sticker on the retail box.
  6. Diz (DayZ)

    Entitlement, Rocket and the Mod

    To the OP, I can respond best with Rocket's own words: "We need the haters Or I will spend all my time working on "cool new stuff" and ignore the bugs, because solving bugs is not fun. It is not exciting. It is not sexy. And it doesn't frontpage on PCGamer, Kotaku, RPS, etc... New features do. So without the haters... this project will die."
  7. Of course not, just like with the other game breaking bugs that are going un-addressed.
  8. Diz (DayZ)


    Actually you need to be more specific in your statements: The DayZ team does not regard the acquisition or use of hacked in weapons to be an actionable offense *Unless you are the person hacking the weapons into the game* - in which case you would be subject to a global ban Battleye will not penalize you for simply finding or using an item that someone else hacked in Some admins will break the rules set forth by the DayZ team and will kick, ban, or otherwise try to punish players seen with hacked items in their possession. This is against the rules and may get their server un-whitelisted by the DayZ team.
  9. Diz (DayZ)

    Most Brutal/Cruel Dayz Moment?

    Maybe you don't understand what (regardless of the motive) actually means. Open PVP is just that....OPEN. That means PVP for any and every reason is allowed and should be expected. Rocket has been quite vociferous in his defense of this concept. The fact that some people are adamantly opposed to certain forms of PVP (kill on sight, banditry etc) is what leads me to believe that 2 rulesets would be beneficial.
  10. Diz (DayZ)

    Most Brutal/Cruel Dayz Moment?

    Um...it's a video game with open PVP and zero safe zones. I still don't understand why some people consider PVP(regardless of the motive) to be unreasonable. Both the pro and anti PVP camps seem pretty staunch in their belief of what the proper etiquette(or lack thereof) should be. This indicates to me that perhaps having the choice of 2 different server rulesets (1 co-op oriented and one PVP oriented) would be the best solution for the standalone.
  11. Not trying to be flippant, but It's called Private Server. Otherwise, their Hive, their rules, silly or disagreeable to you as those may be.
  12. Diz (DayZ)

    Dev or Rocket, can you confirm

    I honestly can't decide which is funnier, Rocket's ridiculously stringent rules for paying server owners running a hacker screendoor freebie mod, or the moralist gamers who want to kick/ban even unwitting rulebreakers in a barely functioning mod which causes dupe bugs automatically. Both pretty funny IMO.
  13. Your words are wiser than you probably intended them to be.
  14. The bugs are honestly having a worse effect upon me than the hackers. At least you can kill hackers(when they're not in god mode), the bugs are inescapable now. 3/4 or more servers(same mod/beta version as client) give errors, every other time I can actually login I suffer insta death, teleport to the coast naked, teleport to debug naked, or teleport to coast w/ gear. Every reset kills any progress made with tents and vehicles. What's the point in even attempting to play or test anymore?
  15. Diz (DayZ)

    Found a ghosters den on my server.

    Are you genuinely asking this question? If so i'll genuinely answer: Zombies are easy as shit to avoid, and with any semi-competent overwatch other players are a non-issue as well. The real question would be, why store crap in such an easy to find/reach place if not using it as a trap? Whenever I see things like this that don't make any sense at first glance I get kinda creeped out. Not gonna lie.
  16. Diz (DayZ)

    Found a ghosters den on my server.

    I'm running there for the lulz right now, there's a big clan presence from [KS]? with virtually no other players and 100+ zombies up. I'm assuming these may be the owners and they're spread out around Cherno watching all approaches. (totally reasonable response to the thread imo) Oh nice, my gaming rig just blue screened, new feature?
  17. Diz (DayZ)

    Mass ban happening again?

    One more reason not to login. GDMF I want to play.
  18. Diz (DayZ)

    Debug monitor will be gone in 1.7.3 !

  19. TBH, from the many (albeit) circumstantial data points on the forums, the beta updates have little to no direct bearing on these gamebreaking bugs. It's all in the DayZ code, and in the fragmentation of the entire system and you were simply lucky before.
  20. Diz (DayZ)

    Debug monitor will be gone in 1.7.3 !

    Completely untrue. Not even all snipers will get off a headshot first shot. But it BECOMES true with this stupid fucking change since you'll be rolling around sub 12k and vulnerable to single body shot kills. This change will have the net effect of "forcing" everyone to fill every single inventory slot with consumables, since over-eating/medicating will be the only method to stave off needless death, thus limiting our choice and fun.
  21. Diz (DayZ)

    Debug monitor will be gone in 1.7.3 !

    This is fucking retarded. Rocket also stated he wants to basically get away from any exact info whatsoever in the HUD(via the latest reddit post). If I wanted to play a game where I knew nothing about my player state i'd play fucking...well i'd play nothing because it's a stupid fucking idea.
  22. Diz (DayZ)

    Is this game dying?

    It's practically un-fucking playable atm since they won't/can't fix the game breaking bugs like tents/vehicles/login death/login teleport etc.
  23. Diz (DayZ)


    Totally untrue, the forums are full of people getting stuck on loading joining exact same dayz/beta versions. Happens to me on approx. 50% of new(to me) servers I attempt to join.