It was at least 2 guys. after the porting fun i spawned by balota and while running thru the field west of the airfield one of them was just suddenly in front of me acting hard and telling me to put my weapon down. i told him to screw off and he started shooting at me so i turned around and saw his friend appear(port) right next to him so i put a slug in the first guys head clear as dayto which he replys with a spray of gun fire from a weapon i have not heard in DayZ to which i died with -77000 hp. After i repawned i was running for a minute or 2 when my screen glitched for a second like i was being portted and then i (along with everyone else in the server) had ghillie suits on and 15 seconds later we were all ported again to the starting area but this time like 50 feet in the air. this started around 5:30am eastern