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Everything posted by vernel

  1. vernel

    Dallas 49, admin abuse

    dallas 49 is my favorite server. I played about two months on this server and didn't see unfair actions from admins. i hope server will be started soon. Sorry for my english.
  2. Sometimes i play with my friend Panax on dallas 49 / us 598 It was yesterday night - from July 29 to July 30. Time was between 0.00 and 2.00 (GMT+3) We decide to find truck Ural near Skalka (018/028) after long server down. We went to Skalka using tractor and Toyota. Near Skalka we were attaked by two players. They are [ Mortal de Cuesta ] [MDC] xisper [MDC] champz Those guys wrote video about their game. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TvgzKkzI2WY&feature=plcp But video show only killing Panax moment and destroying our vechicles. Video don't show moment before, when we killed [MDC] champz using l85 and as50. When we killed [MDC] champz, I saw [MDC] xisper in the trees with thermalscope l85 and suddenly he dissapear. After that [MDC] xisper jump to another server, run 200-300 meters forward and reconnect back on us 598. As i know server hopping is a cheat. And they are cheaters. I'm sure jump of the [MDC] xisper must be in yesterday server log before Panax death and after [MDC] champz death. Sorry for my english. How it was
  3. vernel

    us 598 - Two server hoppers

    Yes, that guy jumped before Panax made second shot. Jumping from server to another server and go back kill all interest of this game. We found another equipment for Panax, don't worry. But cheaters still cheaters and must be checked and banned in all situations.