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Dirty Pyrex

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Everything posted by Dirty Pyrex

  1. Finally getting the hang of the game but I only have one friend who plays and they have a horrible schedule. So if anyone's up for it, send me a skype invite: panzerschlekt.
  2. Dirty Pyrex

    Thank you WKUK,

    I literally found this game after watching a WKUK clip on youtube; and i saw a video 'how a ghillie suit saved my life,' which sparked my entire interest and my eventual purchase of arma 2 for the mod. Mind you, I started this game up and got frustrated as hell. Broke my legs, bled slowly to death, etc. Surely however I was able to learn more, evaded more, found better stuff, even got killed by bandits. Now, i'd like to just have reliable teammates, or someone to watch my back; somebody to spice up the desolate, endless russian landscape. My only complaint? I came across a wrecked military truck, corpses of soldiers lying around it filled with phat ass lewt... as soon as I scrolled over their gear, the server began to lag out and it dropped everybody... not a glitch, not a user-error, not even something in my control... totally pissed me off.