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About Trevor93

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Trevor93

    NO Name, not recruiting.

  2. Hi guys my name is Trevor I'll be 19 on the 27th of august i have been playing dayZ for about 4 days now i realy enjoy it i play a ton im down for anything im into all that sneak sneaky stealth shit i recently ran into a hacker and he gave me all this crazy shit so im pretty decked out atm i like to be friendly but right now im alone so if i see you got a big gun i usualy shoot to kill, hit me up or leave a post here if you got a stable group and are looking to survive and grow in strength/#'s. Edit: i forgot to mention i live in northern California thats pacific time zone but im a bit of a nerd so i tend to stay up late gameing :D
  3. Trevor93

    [BSB] Network Recruiting

    hi id like to kill some zombies with you guys :)
  4. ingame name:Trevor Age: ill be 19 on the 27th of august Timezone: pacific Do you have TeamSpeak: Yes Do you have a Microphone: not atm but i will get one How long have you been playing DayZ: 2 days