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Posts posted by narcosis

  1. BattlEye doesn't even kick for that, they must have some third party tool to auto kick. Sounds good.

    If they can't even get it out of their tents to get rid of it before they are kicked, how did you manage to pick it up and get it into their tent in the first place, makes no sense. If it only kicks if a player is trying to join with a non-legitimate gun, doesn't take a genius to figure out they could have jumped on another server to drop it.

    Well, i received a Battleye message "kicked for scripted weapon".

    They kicked me off two hours later after i picked it up, then kicked the other players off after just 5 minutes.

  2. I found an AWS weapon in a tent. Robbed the tent of loot and stuffed all in to my tent. 2 hours later i received a kick for a scripted weapon that someone else brought into game that i robbed.

    I realised what was in my possession so i came up with an Interesting thought, i can experiment with this, SOOOoooo i took the AWS weapon and dumped it into an enemy tent site and now i hear on TS that a player can’t get back into game because he is getting kicked for having the AWS hidden in one of his tents which i placed.

    So i raped base while player kept getting kicked, because of a weapon that is getting picked up and past around Unwittingly. The laugh is they are trying to dump it but can't as Battleye keeps kicking them.

    So the message is, find am illegal weapon, quickly drop it into an enemy base as it really screws them up with Battleye who just kicks those with the AWS / TWS and NOT those who brought them in. :)

  3. As a thirdparty and not connected to either group here, 14int your a total asshat, have no clue how bad the hacking is , are selfish to try and force them into opening the server when they were trying to fix damage done by a hacker, and need to stop spitting your dummy out of your pram..

    FIRST RULE : Dont get attached to your gear.

    I suggest you learn it, and for the love of god please stay the hell away from UK / EU servers, we really dont need an ass like you over this side of the pond we have enough problems of our own.

    No hacking took place, they claimed all tents were hacked off the server, this is incorrect and the main reason to why they locked all players out. I checked enemy tents, my tents and all other tents, all are still up on this server, Contradicting the claims they have all vanished.

    What i did notice is new transport at 2 enemy bases, backing my claim that they had a lock down to get TRUCKS and TRACTORS mobile.

    It helps to stop gobbing off about things you don't know as a third party garden cabbage, until the hive investigate, take that on board Mr Gobby that way you don't resemble a person chewing on cows cock uttering words of bollocks. :D

  4. You are an idiot. Read the previous posts.

    What, the post that says " We locked our servers because hackers removed all our tents"...............LOL and yet the tents are still on map.

    It's common knowledge that tents vanishing on mass on one server is usually to do with the SERVER. So if you waited for a restart the tents will come back, as is what happened on 298 server, NOT Hackers, a lame excuse to gain loot during lock out.

  5. Well well, All tents are up in enemy base and mine. NONE are missing, even my transport (bike) is here.

    Except truck. some one stole that from corner of map during the lock out period .

    What is it these hackers did to warrant a lock down?

  6. I suggest you come on ts and talk about this or are you just merely a keyboard warrior?

    Dayz has the facts and you don't end of.

    Now feel free to come on the server,get your precious stuff and then vacate and troll somewhere else.

    No im going to get a truck and drive across your tents.

  7. Right, here goes.

    Listen up you muppet, swearing at us isn't going to do you any favours.

    Yesterday we were hacked at least 5 times. I was on the coast when a hacker teleported next to me and dropped a glory box, here's the proof


    The people behind Dayz don't do anything about reports of hackers. Trying to get them banned is harder than hunting for rocking horse poo.

    The server was not locked so we could raid tents, and your admittance to wanting to raid tents just shows us how much of a moronic player you are.

    Server was locked to prevent these idiots from teleporting people, vehicles etc to the sodding island.

    If you have a problem with our server, then feel free to join our forum and post a complaint. Our server admins and players are probably double and even triple your age.

    MTFU and stop moaning.

    LOL...............You only just reported this hacking lie 16 minutes ago, check your link and times of comment .What a cabbage.....

    UNLOCK THE SERVER and allow me to check on my tents and enemy base camp to see if tents are their, prove me wrong then, open up.

    Or are you worried i am going to prove myself right?

    Read the server rules .....

  8. im not an admin on the server but honestly ... let them investigate it

    maybe they should fix the hackers first before moaning about a locked server

    the clan has payed for a server so they should have the right to close it when they get hacker raped

    you didnt see a hacker? are you blind ?

    lot of regular players reported the hackers on our forum before they even thought of coming and moaning on here. we even had strangers come on our teamspeak to chat about it.

    but you didnt see anything ... right .. and i am Joan d'Arc

    No hacking occurred, owners bases were raided i was on one of the raids and took the truck , three of them, two hours later server locked up.

    Basically pay for your server lock it up, i am asking the hive to ban you from hosting in public and screwing with other players

  9. actually the reason it is locked is because we got hacked 5 times yesterday and all vehicels spawn on an island now.

    We are trying to get them to spawn on the mainland so we can all have fun again.

    Dont blame us for this , blame all those 12 year old hackers that spoil our fun.

    raiding tents? trust me we really dont care about that one bit. All TOGA wants is that people can have fun on our server.

    server should be back up today tho , we spend all night working to get those vehicels back.

    whats that? thank you? no need to thank us.. it was our pleasure :)

    You say hacking but you never reported it. ;) AS it never happend.

    I never saw hacking on that server for the last 5 days, where i have been based, no other player has complained either about these so called suspicious accusations of hacking on the forums, how strange.

    What is strange is that soon as we raided three bases in north, the big ones with 9 tents + with trucks, 298 server locks up within 2 hours and now remains locked for 2 days. (Check hive logs for this fact)

    I was on this server when all tents went due to server or you patch which was introduced 2 days ago and its common knowledge tents reappear after server restart.

    No hacking occurred this is a lie and an excuse to stop us raiding tents owned by the server clan.

    So please unlock 298, while the hive team investigate your servers actions and my claims. (yes i reported it with two others)

  10. Please stop locking your Server so you can raid tents over the entire map. Then wait 7 days so we cannot save them.

    This is now the 2nd time that you have you done it and you have now locked up for two days solid.

    Open them up so we can move to another server please.

  11. Yes, plus I'm not really into exploiting. A video would make it easier to bug report too. Thanks, post it in this thread when you're done.

    No such thing as Exploiting in an ALPHA state game, your finding the bugs and taking advantage of it until the final standalone game is released, just as WE as a whole have to put up with the bugs and the saga surrounding the ongoing problems with tents vanishing on the HIVE.

    Plus it is normal to build on no man’s land in ARMA; it is only in DAYZ that this bug occurs.

  12. I placed a tent in debug and it was invisible. But I could not access the tent.

    I had the same problem but i persevered when i saw that the tent was there.

    Keep zooming in at the tent, move around it as it will have only one access point to get the gear menu up, move around the whole tent and point at it until the menu appears.

    Remember these tents erected in no man’s land have only one access point to get the gear menu up, i had to move to the side of tents on some and head on others. But each tent has only one side of the tent where you can access the gear. Look for it slowly

  13. Stealth Base Construction

    On ARMA2 Warfare, when Map boundaries are turned off, you can build beyond the Vegetation part of the map and see all objects placed.

    On DAYZ when map boundaries are off you can still place objects beyond the Vegetation part of the map, but all objects are invisible when placed.

    After a freak accident (months ago) i pitched a tent deep in the part of the map with no vegetation or buildings, it unpacked and was erected, but was not visible. So i clicked the right mouse button while not moving my position from erecting the tent (keep the right mouse button pressed) and zoom in at the tent and it becomes visible again and once you got the knack of getting the gear menu up for that tent, you can fill your tent up and it remains invisible and secret for the life time DAYZ is up. Well that is until the tents saga has been fixed.

    All gear remain in tents and are useable, but place any object or any loot on the floor outside the vegetation part of the map and you can't use it or retrieve it, but you can see them when you zoom in. So tents are the only things that work.

    I have seen animals roaming out there so food is ok but take lots of water as the secret lake location out there, will not fill water bottles.

  14. Careful there. Your troll roots are showing.

    You came in with a fair enough premise' date=' but your posts are just becoming more and more abusive. Sooner or later, if you don't start coming up with a point, or some remarks which could help to fix the problems, someone's going to hit that 'report' button, and end your little tirade.


    Im so Scared, i had to call mummy in to turn the lights on

  15. You guys are acting as if rocket is some type of god.

    There have been more successful 1man mods than this... done better and without nearly the same amount of problems.

    case and point. Counter-strike

    Rocket man the fuck up and fix your shitty game

    What is funny is that these retards think when the mod is completed, as if by a miracle from GOD or a magic spell from a fairies wand, Hackers and Admin abuse will vanish. Ignorance is bliss.

    Talk about brainwashing yourself with your own bullshit.

    Good thing though, it will keep most of the hackers occupied on DAYZ for a year, when ARAM3 comes out.
