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Everything posted by narcosis

  1. narcosis

    Has DAYZ now peaked ?

    What is funny is that these retards think when the mod is completed, as if by a miracle from GOD or a magic spell from a fairies wand, Hackers and Admin abuse will vanish. Ignorance is bliss. Talk about brainwashing yourself with your own bullshit. Good thing though, it will keep most of the hackers occupied on DAYZ for a year, when ARAM3 comes out.
  2. narcosis

    Has DAYZ now peaked ?

    The hyped up reports of 150k new players, don’t know about the Admin abuse or hackers until they get here. When they do get to see it they will in time leave, Just like they did in Arma2, where Hackers still are in their numbers. You have to be a complete moron (like youself) to believe other wise and judging by a few comments here, a lot are on. What I am saying, is this Mod has now the highest amount of hackers on than any other ARMA completed MOD in the last 3 years. You would now this fact if you played Arma2 over the years like a minority of us have and who are on DAYZ. What is hilarious is that You, like many others making comments, have only purchased Arma last month and think you know what Arma is about. So to make irrelevant comments about the mod being only 40% complete, shows your lack of intelligence in ARMA, Hacking, software and MOD scripting AND you certainly don't know anything about other Arma mods, thicky or "Thick as shit" as i will nick name you, from now on . LetS have a test, name another 3 Arma modS ? Who created ARMA warfare ?
  3. narcosis

    DE6 - Hacker Exploding everyone on map

    An ATV.......... lol No hope in solving hackers across the servers, if this is the kind of stupid response.
  4. narcosis

    Trackir 5

    Thanx, i know its my end then.
  5. narcosis


    I am assuming that the spawn point for all those alive and who travel between the servers is located at one location, at Kamenka? I ask because last night i travelled through 7 servers and all my spawn locations were at Kamenka, on the beach. Now on one server, UK1, it had two bandits at the spawn location, waiting for players and it was soon obvious from the start what they were up to, as a mad panic chase was on the go, eventually i eluded them. So the thought occurs to me, if my assumption is correct then it is blindingly obvious, this spawn location is a rich pickings spot, for bandits or survivors starting off again. If i am correct about the default spawn location at Kamenka, for survivors who are still alive and travelling through servers, can we please change it to various spawn locations on the map please?
  6. narcosis


  7. narcosis

    Day Z amazing, Arma II poor interface

    You obviously can’t survive on ARMA2, longer than you do on Day Z . You only purchased the game for Day Z anyway, like 90% of those playing it, so stop injecting your irrelevant thoughts on to us please. Though i do understand your whining, ARMA fans have been playing for years on Game Spy and Steam Servers (thousands of them) and the majority are kicking your Arses on Day Z because of the ARMA experience, some are those who have the highest kills and are living the longest. Sprog.
  8. What happened: I was Squatting in room of a building when a player ran down street into the same building i was in, into opposite room. I heard no footsteps or heavy breathing from player as he ran down street or when he ran into building, he was dead silent. At the Same time, Zs were chasing him down street, i heard them running and crawling down street and screaming outside the house before they entered. Where you were: In Krasnostav town, red building. What you were doing: Squatting in room, static, looking outside. Happened in: 1.5.7. Server: EU5 Char: 14int
  9. narcosis

    Darwin List: Banned Users

    Is there any possibility of communication with Steam owners and Game spy owners to organise a universal life ban on these people, using their game identification numbers or IP address?
  10. narcosis


    I have some questions relating to “Tents.” I keep coming across the same tents that are pitched and are empty on the same server, for over 3 days now. I am presuming players abandoned them. Is this going to be an actual problem that can occur, or are these tents reset after a set time? The other question is, if we can steal the loot from the tents, why can’t we also steal the tent, especially if tents are getting scattered over map, not be used for days on end? Though if we could, it will solve the abandoned tents.