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Everything posted by orbital

  1. I can't seem to find any definitive answer on the web so I was wondering what opinions people have in here. I use TrackIR which uses a 3rd party application to run the head tracking. People uses advanced drivers and software for fancy keyboards and mice. Steam is running 3rd party. But what about specialized macro programs like Autohotkey? Guess Battleeye would be the right one to answer the question but what is your view 3rd party macro applications?
  2. I have to admit I haven't read all the pages but here's my two cents. Seems like the majority want it to be a giant death match zombie game, that is what it has evolved into at least. I have no problems avoiding players at all, unless I go looking for trouble of cause. Mechanics work perfectly fine to me. Developers have to weigh game difficulty against player base. If the game turns into nightmare zombie mode with no chance of finding anything but a double barrel shotgun and sardines, I'm loosing interest.
  3. orbital

    Helicopter crash sites

    Only saw one crashsite, about a month ago - untill last night. Haven't played for about a week and starting from scratch, I run around for less than two hours with a friend finding 3 crash sites. Now we're bathing in gucci weapons and ammunition again. I wonder if they changed/added the amount of crash sites? Not complaining at all but it seems like tech-scoped weapons is the new black.
  4. orbital

    Is duping officially allowed?

    Even with the cookie jar open, a well raised kid would wait for permission to grab a treat. What was it exactly that needed fixing? Perhaps the medicine closet should be left unlocked.
  5. ... when you don't have time to use the seach feature before creating a new thread... http://www.dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=6591 http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=5997
  6. Kudos for a enthusiastic suggestion. I just think it's a tad too advanced buddy :)
  7. orbital


    A ban would be well deserved and state a good example. I am fed up with the anarchy spreading all over the forum. Sure you can post whatever you like but please show some respect to your fellow reader and: 0.) Use the search before starting a new thread. 1.) Write a meaningful post subject. 2.) Use the correct sub forum. 3.) At least act like you fulfil ARMA's pegi18 requirement.
  8. I agree that any 3rd party application can hardly be used to exploit ARMA, might be the case for other MMO's, but in ARMA there isn't any automated functions to benefit from - I can't think of any at least. I've written two tiny scripts which I (could) find very useful in ARMA. A autorun feature, and a modification of the 'L-key', to work as a momentarily switch instead of on/off, for the flashlight. The subject is still a grey area, probably because of the popular MMO titles, so I'm a little wary of going into more details. Would be nice with a official statement of some kind, but it's most likely not in developers interest to leave any 'doors open' to abuse.
  9. orbital

    Aiming with iron sights?

    Looks like I forgot to post the link in my previous post: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=14616
  10. orbital

    Aiming with iron sights?

    Depends on the range to target, not really something to teach in a few lines. Go to singleplayer armory and get familiar with the different weapons. Else get this simple shooting range MOD by Murcielago, some very nice features and weapons galore. ARMA's Iron sights and projectile physics works as in real life.
  11. orbital

    sniper with silencer?

    There are a few FN SCAR H (7.62) rifles with silencer and scope modelled in ARMA. However, the VSS Vintorez is the only truly suppressed marksman rifle. It uses a Russian 9mm subsonic round and therefore only effective up to 400m. Wouldn't be a too overpowered addition to dayZ.
  12. orbital

    Downed heli - Is this normal?

    Still pretty lame, spawning zombies left and right ruins the tactical approach. It makes me think of a MMO where the mobs basically chain spawned when you engaged the few visible. Didn't even take me the first 30 days of release to cancel my subscription and never looked back. I know there has to be some kind of spawn mechanism but when it ruins the initial approach with 'hidden' spawns, my experience goes down the drain.
  13. orbital

    Lasers & clickers/animal calls.

    Give the compass a clicking noise when opened, that should give some exiting moments :) Unfortunately the usual suspects will find a way to annoy the crap out of everybody with the noise. Laser? eh sure, include it on a military weapon found at the Barracks.
  14. orbital

    My first infiltration recorded.

    Sooo, you chose to keep the M107 with thermal scope, 'some hacker' spawned in your hands, and then kill survivors with it? (7:03:00) :-/
  15. orbital

    Best Sniper?

    My vote goes to the M24, it just feels right. I'm not counting the NVG feature of the DMR. Mildot lectures: http://wolverine.cameron.edu/~ac113448/ARMA2/ARMA2WeaponRangingAndCorrectionGuide.pdf http://www.mil-dot.com/user-guide
  16. orbital


    How many steaks do I get by gutting it?
  17. It's not necessarily campers, it's often groups passing through, groups who know the territory. Sometimes you might be lucky they just scare you off but you can be sure they wont say hi and hug you. It's a choice you have to make, whether it's worth your time going north and facing that threat. Who knows, if you got the guts, you might come out ontop of a few corpses, smiling about the loot they have to offer. There is also the chance that you don't see anybody up there. Just don't expect making friends with the locals.
  18. Correct. Most groups roam the northern parts of the map, that includes the airfield and towns like Stary Sobor. They keep coming back to these places to gather more military loot and specifically kill visitors. Compare it to the towns at the coast, there you have bandits killing for beans, in the north you just have whole groups to deal with, same principle. My advice; go in and explore it all, if your lucky you'll get out armed to the teeth, if your unlucky, you'll get shot in the face. It's a dog eat dog world.
  19. orbital

    Force Third party VOIP in game.

    Your getting way too advanced guys, just accept communities have other means of communication and appreciate that you have ingame voice working now. Besides, from the 'roleplaying' point of view, if your were facing a armed hostile group around the next corner, you wouldn't chat away but use desperate hand signals and concerned face expressions.
  20. Just a simple thought to build on. Some other form of NPC apart from zombies. What about some random spawning doctor who has antibiotics and other medical supplies on him. Or a deranged soldier mindlessly walking around the map with interesting weapons and equipment, maybe even a rare uniform? Sure it could involve a mission of some sort, but with the apocalypse mass murder mentality currently playing out, we might as well shoot them and grab the loot, for easy implementation. (I must be honest, didn't search the forum for similar suggestions, shame on me)
  21. orbital

    The doctor and the deranged soldier.

    Well, I just thought of single elements spawning randomly on the map, like crashed helicopters do for instance. But any NPC addition would be interesting, preferably something that encourage teamplay. I would rather see some ideas to make banditry less interesting instead of punishing it. Protecting a noisy doctor or soldier from hordes of zombies perhaps, not sure how to reward the players for attending though.
  22. orbital

    Barbwire really?

    Removable if you have the toolbox, point at one of the metal rods holding the barbed wire, should sort you out. Don't go jacking around bare handed on old rusty barbed wire, you might get a nasty cut or an infection that no one can cure.
  23. orbital

    *Self* Blood transfusion

    The current bloodpack one of the few reason to group with people - that's a good thing. Try to think of something similar, but to encourage group play.
  24. This can not come as a surprise to anyone! Tents are all over the place and are cluttering up valuable server resources, it has gone out of hand with the duplication bug. Good decision and thank you for the notification.