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Everything posted by sniper007

  1. Server this happened on. - US 1182 Time that it happened including your timezone.- 1:30am (Mountain Time) What happened during the incident. - Me (Jebus) and my friend (Matheson) shot a possible hacker many times who was called "|WK4B| Ozzy" (without quotations). I shot the hacker with my M4A1 and almost unloaded an entire clip to the hacker and my friend also shot him many times with his M1911 pistol at the same time, but the hacker did not die and instead shot us both with his pistol and we both died instead. Please look into this further.
  2. - To add to your burying bodies idea I believe that hiding bodies should still be in the game. However, it should require survivors to drag a body first and put it in a locker (MGS style lol), in a freezer (Hitman? style), in the trunk of the car, in a barrel, in a big trash bin, and into the ocean (except the body should float across the ocean maybe until it reaches along the coast/land haha) Some ideas: - When someone is bleeding it should leave a trail of blood on the ground - Getting up from crouch or prone shouldn't take a million years - All buildings should be enter-able - Add female zombies - Their should be more animations for picking up stuff and chopping trees for wood instead of just picking everything off the ground - I want to be able to run straight up to a hill rather than zigzagging around it (at least make running up the hill a bit slower, but faster than walking/crouch walking)