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The Angry German

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Everything posted by The Angry German

  1. The Angry German

    Chicago 9 shamelessly kicks people to make room for pals

    I'm sitting on the Teamspeak for the devs of DayZ. I shouldn't be hard to pick out. I would like for someone to come and explain to me the reasoning behind the rules and specify why our clan wasn't told of these rules prior to us signing up.
  2. The Angry German

    Chicago 9 shamelessly kicks people to make room for pals

    I gave rep bro. Glad one of us here isn't a commie.
  3. The Angry German

    Chicago 9 shamelessly kicks people to make room for pals

    uk_dayz_player, everything you say is the honest truth. You basically summed it up. Dayz may run the servers for stats, and they may let us connect to those servers, which I'm glad they provide those services, but it goes both ways. This hype would not exist if there weren't servers to play on. The ones that offered up their servers are the ones that will still be playing in a year from now. Pissing off server owners is the fastest way to kill your mod. In reply to NonToxic; What am I supposed to tell my clan-mates? To go fuck off? Why should I not have the right to play a game on my own server with my friends? It's not like I'm kicking everyone off. I'm opening a slot for a buddy. You can't tell me the DayZ devs don't do the same for their friends. If DayZ devs want to show up in my Teamspeak and tell me the guy that bought Arma two days ago (who would not be playing multiplayer at all if it weren't for people like me) has more say over my server than I do, then I'll be happy to drop DayZ. I'll go back to running a Life mod, were I am afforded some autonomy on my property. If you start seriously enforcing this rule, to where admins can't kick unruly/highpinged individuals, and opt to play with their friends like any developer incorporates into their game, you will see server owners and clans dropping your mod. Anyway thats all I have to say about that. End of discussion for me.
  4. The Angry German

    Chicago 9 shamelessly kicks people to make room for pals

    Do you "shamelessly" make demands of everyone you meet? You demand they close my server, what does that even mean? Our server is packed everyday. Lets say people play for about 3 hours at a time. 24hours a day / 3 hours played = 8. 8 intervals * 32 max server pop = 256 people a day. So thats 256 people less that will be able to play. If you're complaining about not being able to play for being disrespectful, what makes you think you'll have an easier time getting into a server after you shut us all down with your righteous fury of the heavens? On a side note, beside for my actual statement none of these picture prove you have been kicked by an admin at all. If you've been playing arma at all before this mod's release, you would know the server/battle-eye could have kicked you automatically.
  5. The Angry German

    Chicago 9 shamelessly kicks people to make room for pals

    I'm the admin that did the kicking(not banning, for clarification). First off, everyone had a fair chance to not get kicked. We offered numerous times for people to join our Teamspeak (whether or not they had microphones), and I told everyone that whoever was in it got reserved slots. Arma is a military simulator, every Arma veteran has Teamspeak, and most clans/servers require it. If you've owned Arma for more than two weeks you know that. You don't play it without a way to communicate. I did not kick anyone in any random order. I kicked those with the highest pings 170 and up. And did my best to avoid those active in side/global chat. If you want to accuse someone do it to whoever decided to make the game realtime. We suffer with the lag caused by people from other regions of the world. Tier, another player in the game respectfully asked everyone to calm down after the three, currently complaining in this forum, began to tell us how to run our server. I then removed them for being disrespectful and disrupting the server. We pay $60 dollars a month out of our own pockets (servers are provided by individuals, on arma no corporation provides them for us) to provide this server to a cooperative public. We have many friends/clan members that enjoy Arma's community and gameplay. I will not have COD/BF3 players, who buy into endless advertisement, coming onto our server and making demands of me and my clanmates. I understand we must obey DayZ's rules, but unless DayZ wishes to pay for my server for me, then I dictate how much crap I'm willing to take. These players spends 2-3 hours on our server, our clanmates will be spending the rest of their Arma career making it a funner community. Who am I supposed to choose?