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Everything posted by iLikeNoobies

  1. iLikeNoobies


  2. iLikeNoobies


    Good server!
  3. iLikeNoobies

    NL14 bans

    Dankjewel :) Atleast its good that you're checking the logs for abnormal things!
  4. iLikeNoobies

    CA 10 Clan CKS hackers.

    These people are not part of our community. Let that be clear!
  5. If you are reading this forum, please contact me through pm. It can be in English of in het Nederlands. Whatever you like. Its regarding a hacker which is following and every server, including yours. It should be a piece of cake to check the logs about him hacking. Or atleast, I hope so. Because he was oviously teleporting.
  6. iLikeNoobies

    Give admins banning rights and why.

    Its their server. A admin isnt going to gather evidence against himself. Just see the arrogance of the admin here. And just like i said before, they just keep following me around different servers and keep killing me there. Anyways, thanks for the advice, I'm gonna see if i can get in touch with the admin of NL45
  7. iLikeNoobies

    FR57 - Admin kicking people for no apparant reason

    And again... Playing with 2 other friends on a complete empty server (NL45). We checked the player board every 5 minutes and we noticed a new player "Blade" came in to the server. Me and my buddys just set up a whole new camp on a new server on a completely random spot. A few minutes after blade joined, i heard a empty gun click-click-clicking besides me and then a guy in a ghillie suit started running after me with a hatched. Thank god their is something like alt+F4. I survived. But no way that 1 single guy, out of the 4 that were on that server, and 3 of them are me and my m8's, spawned next to us. These poptarts are just out to ruining someones else his fun because they cant handle it i found their camp on a their server and wanted to loot it. Thats how the fucking game works!
  8. iLikeNoobies

    Give admins banning rights and why.

    And there's your problem. Admins of servers can go into the logs and provide evidence. How can a normal player do that? I got some fraps footage of some guys obviously hacking but besides the footage, nobody knows who they are. I cant see who shot me and i cant see the names of the hackers. I can only take a printscreen of all the players but that still doesnt point out the hacker. So the only way hackers can get caught is when a server admin actually wants to put some time in it. First i didnt really bothered about the hackers because i would just leave the server if there was a hacker. But since yesterday I'm being followed by hackers and they kill me on every server i join. Imo that cant be coincidence. Once or twice, ok. But 6/7 times.. no way. And first i get killed by the hacker in Kamenka, and when i respawn a few seconds later near solichny, he also kills me there. Every time, every server. The only thing i can do is not play if i dont want to get killed. And because the hackers can do anything they want without having to suffer some consequenses, Im thinking about getting some scripts as well. Its the only thing a normal player can do to defend himself against hackers. Just a simple solution: let the game show who killed you. And dont give people the opportunity to change names on the same character. Just like you cant change between male and female. That way i can atleast see who killed me over and over again and if they cant change their name untill they have died as well, it would be easier to spot those fucking cowards.
  9. iLikeNoobies

    FR57 - Admin kicking people for no apparant reason

    I cant play properly on any server because they keep following me. I've tried to reason with them but they just wont listen. They teleport to my location and just shoot me trough the head. Any server, any time. I cant understand that these people can do whatever they want and dont suffer any consequences. Now i cant play with my mates anymore because they kill everybody who is near me. So if i play with my friends, they get killed as well. Its so fucking obvious they are hacking. If you get the possibility to check out FR57 (which is offline now, probably because they dont want people looting their camp near the west of Vybor at 064.012 or the other way around :P) you should check out that location if they havent moved it yet. You will see about 15 vehicles and lots of tents stuffed with tons of AS50's, satchel charges, silenced guns, nvgs, ghillies and so on. Yeah I'm posting the camp location because i dont got anything to lose anymore, they have already ruined the game for me by following me on every server i go. Fuck you FR57 hackers. Fuck you!
  10. iLikeNoobies

    FR57 - Admin kicking people for no apparant reason

    And they kept their word. They keep following me around servers killing me everywhere i go. This game is being ruined by hackers and the admins cant do shit. If this continues I will lower myself to their standards and run some scripts as well. Thats the only thing a player can do to counter these hackers. I hope they die painfully irl and burn in hell.
  11. iLikeNoobies

    FR57 - Admin kicking people for no apparant reason

    These guys stopped kicking. They are hacking now. They really big camp set up with alot of things. However, every time you get near they teleport to you and kill you. Even when we tried with 7 guys. Also, when i was with only 3 other guys in that server, they broke my bones without shooting me and started talking me over direct coms how its their camp and i cant go there. They even started following some of my m8s to other servers to keep killing them there. Im certain these guys are hacking. I also got some fraps recordings of it. First they talk and kill me near kamenka, en when i respawn in elektro, they kill me there as well. No way they could have been there so fast. And even if they have a vehicle, how can they kill me respawn after respawn. Hackers i tell you! PM me for the coordinates of their camp.
  12. iLikeNoobies

    People shooting unarmed people, why?

    The selecting a role part wouldnt work imo. Since bandits can shoot anyone, and survivors can only shoot bandits, the survivors are again in the minority. Your suggestion about the "Blood on their hands" is actually pretty good. I'd love to see something like that in the game.
  13. Nice story bro. Becoming a medic sounds fun :) Except for the dying part.
  14. iLikeNoobies

    Stupidest Ways to Die in DayZ

    Got accidentally killed by my friend when he came back from the ESC menu. His weapon started auto shooting.
  15. iLikeNoobies

    People shooting unarmed people, why?

    I would be wanking all day if it did.
  16. iLikeNoobies

    People shooting unarmed people, why?

    You sir, can have my beans. Thats the way i want to see it.
  17. iLikeNoobies

    People shooting unarmed people, why?

    Inappropriate is my middle name. And ruining the game for someone on purpose is appropriate? I guess not. I really hate those people who kill fresh spawns and definitly guys like that who only break his legs and then bandage so he wont die and has to crawl forever. Fuck him. And yes, I still hope that something happens with his hand. Maybe losing them was to much, but parkinson?
  18. iLikeNoobies

    People shooting unarmed people, why?

    Dude, you're a monster. I hope u lose your hands in real life so you cant play anymore.
  19. iLikeNoobies

    People shooting unarmed people, why?

    Thats just nasty. Why would you ruin the game for somebody like that?
  20. iLikeNoobies

    People shooting unarmed people, why?

    I had the same yesterday. One of my friends accidentaly shot me at Zub when het got back from the settings menu (Gun auto fired). I respawned near Elektro and was on my way to Zub again with only a axe. I saw another guy with an axe running away from some zombies and into a house. I runned after him and helped him kill 2 zombies. The guy was bleeding so as a gentleman I am, I give him my only bandage. I fixed him up and told him over direct com that I was friendly and was on my way to Zub. He could join the walk or if he said so he could have go a different way. Then his m8 with a Makarov and a Lee came into the shed were we just killed the zombies. They where both looking at me and I felt more and more uncomfortable. I again told them over direct communication that I was friendly and I wanted to go on my way. They could join me or not. The never replied in direct comm. Guess what, the guy I just fixed up started hatcheting me and the other started shooting me. Thats just plain nasty and gay as fuck. I helped him kill the zombies, I patched him up, I said i was friendly and they still killed me. I had nothing but an axe which they both already had. This was just another kill for the kill fucking morons. Sometimes i think about getting hax so i could stalk certain players and keep killing them over and over. I would love to do it to these guys. Because of these kind of players people cant trust each other anymore and just shoot on sight. I wish it was still April when the game was actually fun and you can meet strangers and group up.
  21. iLikeNoobies


    Dafuq did I just read
  22. iLikeNoobies

    We are Legend

    My name is iLikeNoobies. I am a survivor living in Chernarus. I am broadcasting on all AM frequencies. I will be at the South Side of Stary Sobor everyday at midday, when the sun is highest in the sky. If you are out there'if anyone is out there'I can provide food, I can provide shelter, I can provide security. If there's anybody out there'anybody'please, you are not alone. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Join us at CKS-Gaming and live longer! - WE HAVE PUNCH & PIE! -
  23. iLikeNoobies

    We are Legend

    Day-Z me bumpin', They hatin'
  24. iLikeNoobies

    When do you count as bandit?

    When do you shoot at a player: 1. When you see him 2. When he shoots at you ---------- Answer 1. You're a DICK (Yes capital letters) 2. You're a survivor
  25. Even though I raged earlier, I find this sentence very funny. No beans for the murders, but beans for the remark :)