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Everything posted by Slartybartfast

  1. Slartybartfast

    Getting kicked from server

    I have a strange problem. Been playing dayz mod for over 4 years and never had any issues. Until a few days ago. Whenever I join a (vanilla) server I get kicked after 1 or 2 minutes without any warnings. At first I thought it was the specific server but it's happening on every server now. I asked the host to look at the log files and this is what is saying: Line 5800: 13:20:36 "INFO - Player: Slartybartfast(UID:76561198032273427/CID:44174) Status: CLIENT LOADED & PLAYING" Line 6857: 13:23:30 Message not sent - error 0, message ID = ffffffff, to 1826973740 (Slartybartfast) Line 6860: 13:23:30 Message not sent - error 0, message ID = ffffffff, to 1826973740 (Slartybartfast) Line 16645: 8:36:12 "INFO - Player: Slartybartfast(UID:76561198032273427/CID:44174) Status: LOGGED IN" Line 16648: 8:36:23 Message not sent - error 0, message ID = ffffffff, to 1118040321 (Slartybartfast) Line 16651: 8:36:23 Message not sent - error 0, message ID = ffffffff, to 1118040321 (Slartybartfast) I tried reinstalling Arma 2, Arma 2 OA and Dayz mod but still get the same issues. Any ideas? Thanks in advance
  2. Slartybartfast

    Dayz mod fps problem

    There are a lot of guides on youtube but here is one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TfTHT0Nzlpw Good luck :)
  3. Love the server guys! One question tho' How is the persistence of tents on the server? Do tents still disappear/get deleted after a few days when unused? (at least, that was the case a few months ago).
  4. Slartybartfast

    make gunshots louder?

    Something like this? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SZti5MaQ-Qs
  5. Slartybartfast

    Barricading Windows With Playwood

    Playwood!!!! :D
  6. Loving the server man. Good job. :) Only one thing I'd like to see changed is that tents disappear after a few days (even when you don't die), make them persistent again.. As a lone wolf most of the time this means the only thing for me to do is gear up, go for a hunt and eventually die and repeat. Ohter than that, keep up the good work :beans:
  7. Slartybartfast

    DayZ Mod 1.8.2

    Hmm ok thanks for the info. :) Although the deleting after 7 days means not going on a holiday without losing your tents (at least as long as your not co-opping with a clan or another player) stiil not cool :(
  8. Slartybartfast

    DayZ Mod 1.8.2

    Overall great update thanks again! But one thing I really don't like is that tents are there for only three days? That must be the most stupid feature ever if you ask me.. Nothing more to do besides killing other players or die and start over Or am I missing something here? :S
  9. Slartybartfast

    Stable - 0.47 Discussion

    Had the chance to play a few hours yesterday, overall good update! Only thing you guys could warn me about is the default key for throwing is "G". That one is my "gear" key so the first thing that happened when I logged in and wanted to check my gear, I threw away my AK :| Took me a few seconds to figure out what happened lol Keep up the good work guys! :)
  10. two things in my opinion that are top priority for DayZ: 1. persistent loot - having a loot stash or a tent or whatever (god I miss the mod lol) and make looking for more gear worthwhile.. Instead of beiing maxed out on gear and nothing more to do 2. pretty much a follow up of step 1. but getting private hives.. (people who played the mod know what I mean)
  11. Slartybartfast

    Join the fun in HELL!

    We're looking for more players. I love the standalone, but felt kinda homesick to the mod and found myself a new home :D Good community but because of a server switch we lost a lot of players. Hopefully they will find their way back this way Here is some info: go to: http://dayzhell.com/ for more info and forum. See you in HELL! :D
  12. Slartybartfast

    Join the fun in HELL!

  13. Slartybartfast

    To all the Bambies, watch FRANKIEONPCING youtube vids!

    Hacks or no hacks. He is one of the guys who made Dayz what it is today. And I like his videos and especialy his way of playing the game. Although I sometimes wonder how much of it is scripted, as in "usiing" other people to do stuff in his videos. But either way, he makes good videos Another guy worth checking out is superftlol btw, very entertaining and pretty usefull for bambies: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdCJ1FjMploLEQgWc4bLwXQ
  14. Slartybartfast

    How often do you die from glitches?

    Only "glitches" I died by was by falling (or getting sucked towards the edge) in the shipwreck at rify. That place is a deathtrap lol :)
  15. The garages are always very nice to me when it comes to finding some food or a meleeweapon
  16. Slartybartfast

    Coastal vs Northern Population Trends

    Last time I died I spawned in Novy Sobor, did take me a few minutes to figure out where I was lol... haven't died since then so don't know if that was a one time thing. But I must say, spawning in inland is waaaay more confusing than spawning on the coast
  17. Slartybartfast

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.113953

    I do like the decomposing idea where the longer a body lies dead the worse the gear gets, apart from the damage it has taken ofcourse (edit: and finally disappears). f.e. when you take stuff from a badly decomposed body (been lying there for 3 hours ingame) there's more chance of infections/rotten stuff etc.
  18. Slartybartfast

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.113953

    I believe you shouldn't be playing at all if you don't want the bugs. Better to have a lot of small updates every week or so than a "big" update with longer time in between.
  19. Slartybartfast

    DayZ Sound Design Test - Part 3 Final Added

    Very nice work man! Hopefully they'll make use of all your efforts or maybe they'll just hire you ;)
  20. Slartybartfast

    Calyx's DayZ Screenshot Art

    Wait woot!! Chernarus not on Earth?? :huh: Nice pictures dude! :thumbsup:
  21. Slartybartfast

    North East Airfield Picture From the Sky

    Check http://dayzdb.com/map#6.124.024 It's easy to see just north/north east of the nea edit: coordinates are 126 022
  22. Slartybartfast

    There are servers that delay the exit game option?

    Not yet I'm afraid. Unfortunately everyone/or at least many who gets killed instantly log out when they are killed so you can't loot their body. I guess most Dayzplayers are sorry losers? But no worry, they'll come up with a sollution! :)
  23. Slartybartfast

    The road

    I read the book and watched the movie, both disturbingly awesome And I agree with Gibonez, more likely that it was some kind of natural disaster. But that is what makes it such a good story, you don't get to know wtf happened I always had a "the Road" kind of feeling while playing Dayz, and I think that is what Dean is aiming for. So go Rocket! :D