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About bozo97

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  1. are there any really good servers still up and running which are always almost at full capacity.
  2. any Australians who play overpoch and want a team, add me on steam and we can talk steam name - DyslexicPotato ( Im the one with the arma 3 pic)
  3. Does anyone know any good ways to crack codes in epoch, i don't want to try every number of the 10000 possibilities. If anyone knows hownto do it quick or has any good videos of it please tell
  4. anyone want to join me and I guy I meet on epoch, we need a few more people to get supplies and start a base. If you do add me on steam - Alpha Chicken
  5. bozo97

    Epoch Error

    got it don't worry
  6. bozo97

    Epoch Error

    Yea the server was running 1.0.3 yesterday then updated to I have the correct version
  7. bozo97

    Epoch Error

    I try join this one particular server and it comes up with the message - Include file z\addon\dayz_code\system\BIS_Effects\init.sqf not found. how do I fix
  8. add me on steam if you want im 16 from Australia
  9. I have DayZ hard corps installed and can play it, and when I join the server and play I have the black error box at the top of my screen saying - Error Zero Divisor File Z/Addons/dayz_code/compile/fn_surfacenoise.sqf, line 15 how to do I fix and get the error of my screen
  10. bozo97

    Annoying Error Please Help!!

    I did what you said Amber and it worked. Thank you :). if it stops working or does another error I will reply here
  11. bozo97

    Annoying Error Please Help!!

    yea im still friends with you on steam and ok I will try that Amber