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Col. Kurtz (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Col. Kurtz (DayZ)

  1. Col. Kurtz (DayZ)

    Someone please tell me how to do this.

    This is epic.
  2. Col. Kurtz (DayZ)


    If your rounds hit the guy and he was not in a "Bandit" skin then you will still take negative humanity.
  3. What in the hell have I just seen ......................
  4. Col. Kurtz (DayZ)

    Why can't my comuter run DayZ properly?

    That's why I think it might be a problem with his ISP and his net speed.
  5. That's something for the developer of the mod and way beyond Admins. When all is said and done, Admins have the right to enforce things on their own servers the way they want (to an extent). Most Admins have made up their minds on how they will act toward this issue.
  6. Col. Kurtz (DayZ)

    Favorite Pvp areas

    From what I've seen........ BEREZINO !!!!!!! The only town with a hospital up north. You get some great fights up that way and very very few low geared players.
  7. Col. Kurtz (DayZ)

    Why can't my comuter run DayZ properly?

    Could it be that your ISP is set at a low transfer rate?
  8. Because regardless of the hacked weapon being a game changer or not, using hacked weapons promotes hacking. So, admins ban anyone who even touches a hacked weapon (regardless of size) in order to discourage hackers and or the support of them.
  9. Col. Kurtz (DayZ)

    Snipers in Elektro.

    Where I do agree is, if you get hit from a 50 or 107 from the hills and he's going lone wolf....... yeah he's doing it for the lulz
  10. Col. Kurtz (DayZ)

    WarZ footage

    I do like how you can carry attachments for your weapon on your person. That would be great for turning a CQC rifle into a 300m-400m platform.
  11. Col. Kurtz (DayZ)

    Snipers in Elektro.

    I replied to the OP saying "Any player is a threat if hes got a brain" You sir are mentally inept.
  12. Col. Kurtz (DayZ)

    Snipers in Elektro.

    This thread simply reads "Snipers in Elektro" I am at times a sniper, and I have been to Elektro. Your point = irrelevant. Not to mention a sniper doesn't move much or as most gamers call them "Campers" So my comment is 100% relevant
  13. Col. Kurtz (DayZ)

    Snipers in Elektro.

    Right or we are hunting another clan and need to shoot anything because they could be tag-less scouts. But hey that never happens right? Try playing high population servers with clans for once. Side note: Cherno is the closest town with a hospital in the area I operate. I act as over watch when my crew raids the town. Stop assuming all snipers camp that stupid town for days on end.
  14. That's the Hero skin. If you do good acts, IE: Give blood and bandage players, you get positive humanity. When your humanity goes up high enough your skin changes to Hero. Same goes for negative humanity IE: Shooting players. Your skin will then change to having a Shemagh/head wrap.
  15. Col. Kurtz (DayZ)

    A Strange kind of Sniper...

    People who have skill and don't need a 1hit cannon to compensate for the lack thereof. B)
  16. Col. Kurtz (DayZ)

    Snipers in Elektro.

    See this guy? Yeah grow some balls and stop your crying. Any player is a threat if hes got a brain. I'm sorry that when I see you I cant instantly know you suck and are not a threat to me. My bad......
  17. You are obviously not getting the picture. The mod was made with specific weapons in mind. Any deviation from this is due to hacking = wrong. Regardless of what you think is right or wrong the rules are the rules.
  18. Col. Kurtz (DayZ)

    Cz 550?

    This is why you should always shoot bambies/new spawns. This mentality of ( I'm a fresh spawn so I'm harmless ) is absolute garbage.
  19. ROFL This will be good. You all don't mind a prior Army 11B (Infantry) running with you all do you? If not I would be interested in talking with you all.
  20. Last time I heard the the words "Chernarus Police Department" it was while watching a chopper kidnap some guy......... AND IT WAS EPIC http://youtu.be/asRWCV7bRms
  21. Col. Kurtz (DayZ)

    Not all hackers are bad

    Hacking = wrong. Trade or no trade, taxi or no taxi. Its wrong, and supporting this behavior does not help the situation with Day Z.
  22. Col. Kurtz (DayZ)

    DayZ: Bandit kill, Nuke and Hacker!

    At 1:32 you see a zombie agro on the man who RAN right at your area 1:33. Not to mention that a nuke would have taken out the whole town. I think you did this to advertise for people to subscribe to your channel by using a title that would grab attention.
  23. Col. Kurtz (DayZ)

    Dear Church Bandit in Cherno,

    And this is why I shoot anyone I see spawning near the beach. PS: Props for the kill. Have some beans!
  24. Col. Kurtz (DayZ)

    Day-Z Has Gone To Shi*
