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my name is Shluggy

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  1. my name is Shluggy

    looking for a group

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  2. my name is Shluggy

    Different types of tents

    Don't you think it would be a good idea if their were different types of tents? I know that tents can still be buggy and have problems but once it goes into Beta, I think that would be the best time for my suggestion. Rather than upgrading the average military tent why don't they downgrade it to civilian tents that could be found in barns and shed's? and it could be a navy blue color and a more rounded top like modern day tents. But of course you would be allowed less room then the military camo style currently in I just think it would be something to add to make the game a little more fun. Keep in mind that this is a mere suggestion and I have yet to see any problems with the idea SO FAR. Note: tent will still be somewhat hard to find.