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About Laus

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. I found who had all this stuff. They haven't seen the video yet but I posted on the forums for the server. Private hive video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bvLuS82RaAA
  2. I shot a man... You really can't trust anyone in this game. I was hanging out in cherno at the firestation making all kinds of noise shooting zombies when a player runs in and I accidentally shoot him. I tell him Ill let him live as long as he put his enfield away. Eventually a mutual trust is formed and I allow him to pull his gun out and we start killing zombies while his sniper buddy shoots from the tower. Suddenly I go down and have to wait. I get up heal myself and fix my broken bones and notice the dude took all my stuff out of my pack and put a 1911 mag in. I didnt care qbout the stuff he took... I would have given it to him. But he "accidently" shot me and took it. I watched him die...
  3. Laus

    Disconnecting fix/Ghosting fix? "ALT+F4".

    Sleeping bag? Would have its own spot like binoculars,nvgs,range finders on top of ur bag. If you log into a new server... random spawn. Problem solved.
  4. I would like to see a perm bandit skin that changes to an even more aggressive looking skin the more kills you have. As of now I KOS any bandit skin I see. Any other depending on the situation I just hide and let them pass or I warn them verbally that I will shoot if they panic or do something I dont like. If they shoot first they better make sure Im dead because I will kill them.
  5. same has happened to me. Cant test a game that cant be played. I quit trying yesterday. Apparently from what Ive read there has been more problems caused by the patch than fixed. Im not complaining about something thats free and Im not bashing dayz or its creators but the game is going to need a serious overhaul before it can be played and tested the way it was intended. EDIT - This was a problem for me even before I tried updating last night.
  6. Laus

    Im done, hackers win...

    Ignore the haters OP Im taking a break from this game until they get it under control as well. I just got hit in the middle of nowhere with an axe... You cant test a game that you cant play like its meant to be played. Every server I have played tonight has been hit with a hacker. Ive escaped a few by pressing escape and aborting cuz they like to play and talk before they try to kill me but I am tired of dieing every 20 minutes. I have come to realize that until this game is stand alone or fixed for the hacking problem it is truly broken and worthless. Awesome game when servers arent getting harassed. Good luck to the rest of you.