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Everything posted by christopherraaen@hotmail.com

  1. christopherraaen@hotmail.com

    Hacked in AS50 TWS (-Ark- TH3 UN533N) (AU 5)

    Before you Judge My Good Freind -ArK- The_UNSEEN, Maybe We should all know the kind of person Shifty Pete Really is For Your Veiwing pleasue So BEFORE you throw Down the HAMMER A few key notes 1. -ArK- The_UNSEEN Is NOT a Admin for AU5 (just a player that donates and trys to make the server better) 2. Pete admits cheating 3. Pete has allready tryed to get the server AU5 server in trouble http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/48378-au-5-admin-abuse/ Thanks all and have a great day
  2. christopherraaen@hotmail.com

    AU5: Banned for being in a chopper (unknown if admin or not)

    I was online when this happen, if you have a problem on AU 5 Please post on armaderp website AU5 Admins do not troll these servers, but if your such an active player then you should have known that choppers are hacked items (or where at this stage when this post was started)