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About zulonio

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    On the Coast
  1. zulonio

    Cheaters/Hackers on US 353 Video embedded

    I can confirm this, I was there, he also spawned all of us in kamenka with lots of vehicles and choppers and started shoting at us, also broke our legs and stuff, plus the famous thunderdome.
  2. I can't play anymore, simple as that, Its frikin unplayable, getting killed by invincible teleporter hackers with AS50's and ghillie all the time, if is not that is the thunderdome and if is not that they kill the entire server, people will stop playing this if someone doesn't do something about it.
  3. zulonio

    Hacker us 1622

    I was today at 1622, got killed magically several times, then I saw a chopper with 2 guys in ghillie with hacked AS50's (thermal),got a grenade on them, but they killed me again with a comand, so I respawned there, then throwed another grenade, they got pissed of and killed me with the hacked 50Cal., then they went to where I spawned in cherno with the chopper and killed me again, then I was in electro and heard the chopper again so I dc'd, I can't play like this. Is there any way to track what users do? If they use commands or something?, Things like this happened to me in LOTS of servers between this and the thunderdome makes it unplayable.