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Everything posted by redfield-77

  1. Please let the real testers be the ones that test the standalone alpha for dayz. Too many people dont understand what testing is or how to test. Every other post lately is some self entitled cry baby full of tard rage about the state of dayz saying shit like, "Blah blah 20 dollars for this blah blah" and "Fix the game blah blah". These people dont log bug reports or contribute anything to the project other than lols. tl;dr closed alpha > open alpha
  2. redfield-77

    Zombies should be removed from DayZ

    I would have never guessed when I read the title but some how, some way, professional Noob won the internet. :thumbsup:
  3. redfield-77

    "Battleye: Global Ban #99bb"

    Contact battleye. Bans are not handled through the dayz staff.
  4. redfield-77

    Zombies should be removed from DayZ

    Thanks Professional Noob. After 3 pages of idiocy from failures that cant detect sarcasm. I personally hold these players and others like them responsable for the dumbed down games of the present and why there is nothing worth playing this summer. These are the people that will buy WAR Z.
  5. redfield-77

    I'm embarrassed to post this....

    Best part is....."They got tags on and everything, we should be able to see these people easily." lol. You got beans for posting an embarrassing video anyway.
  6. Sure a .50 caliber weapon will kill you with a single hit. The thing is so will most small arms fire. 5.56 rounds have a knack for vectoring on impact causing wound tracks at angles of 45 degrees somtimes. Without body armor smaller caliber rounds will bouce around the body quite a bit and cause deadly trauma often enough. There are too many .50 caliber weapons right now in dayz. An M/16 or ak-74 will kill you just as dead. If you were shot in the apocolypse your chance of survival would be very small. They should make all weapons kill players with one or two shots once they abandon arma's weapons for their own.
  7. I wish I had a nickle for every time a nerd on the internet threatened me....
  8. redfield-77

    looking for some bros

    Plenty of bros around here.
  9. redfield-77

    How can you even call this a game?

    No one calls it a game but you. We call it an alpha. The game comes out in Q4 2012.
  10. This is a quote from me from page one. The only thing that is turning this thread into a warzone is your constant attacks on me. Im not a fatass either. There are pics of me in the firearms hobby thread if you want to mire (oh look Im outside too). I am who I am inthe real world and on these forums. The fact is your not my boss. You probably work at Wal-Mart greeting people at the door with a funny helmet on. If you want to defend your hacker buddies go ahead. I will say this though. The forum moderators dont like to be told how to do their job. This thread will be closed if and when "they" decide to close it. You are not a forum moderator your just a bitch with a keyboard trying to sound tough. ttyl bitch. :)
  11. DeathHawk please use the link I provided you if you are globally banned. No one here can lift your ban and from what I saw my link wont help either.
  12. redfield-77

    Nice deathmatch you got there

    No you're doing it wrong.
  13. Sigh...... New rules prevent us from having fun with this. Its there but I cant link it. Deathhawk you are looking for this. Battleye
  14. redfield-77

    BattleEye and Fraps

    Yes :)
  15. redfield-77

    Arma meets Anime

    I know theres a lot of anime fiends on these forums so I thought I would post some cool vids showing why arma is the best mod platform ever. Some more video with cockpit view. http://youtu.be/qOSryYQxttY Enjoy :)
  16. redfield-77

    Arma meets Anime

    Nice find daspope. I did not know you could license the unreal engine 3 for free. Its a lot of work to start from scratch though. Im more of a modeller and light scripter. I like to take a game and change little things like adding vehicles/weapons/units/maps than making my own game. Cool stuff though thanks :thumbsup:
  17. Unfortunately the mod never came to fruition. The mod dev simply disappeared one day back in 2010 and was never heard from again on the mod boards. Some of the units are available on Armaholic as well as pretty much anything ever modded into the arma series.
  18. redfield-77

    I'm dumb

    FADE (or DEGRADE) is digital rights management software developed by Macrovision. It operates by detecting if a game has been pirated, and initially allows the player to use the game normally. It then gradually degrades certain game features over a time, eventually rendering it unplayable. FADE creates fake scratches in specific areas on the disk image. When the disk image is copied, the program used to copy it will notice these scratches and automatically fix them. The game's master program then looks for these scratches, and if they are present then it is an original. If they are not available, then it knows it is a fake. There is no notification or error message that tells the player that a fake disk image has been detected, which makes it very difficult for software crackers to determine if their crack has succeeded in defeating FADE. FADE will introduce many issues in the game, rendering it unplayable, giving the impression that the game is simply "buggy". For example, in the first person shooter Arma 2, FADE will begin by gradually decreasing the accuracy of the player's weapons, making it very difficult to hit a target. FADE might reverse the left/right controls of vehicles, or make them randomly start and stop moving. Eventually, it will turn the player in to a bird, and display the message "Don't fly away!".
  19. redfield-77

    Arma meets Anime

    What platform do you prefer? Most games don't even support modding anymore. (ie:BF3) I might have bought BF3 if I could have modded it into something worth playing.
  20. redfield-77

    The Standing Dead

    I gave you beans for sticking with the assault rifle. :thumbsup: Alt-F4 causes this when the client logs but dies anyway.
  21. redfield-77

    People who play 3rd person

    And you have Sam Fisher as your avatar. :rolleyes: Splinter cell is locked to 3rd person. Irony is fun but this thread is moot. As I said before DayZ will have server side options for this. Everyone wins.
  22. redfield-77


    Probably a bit much resource wise. I was thinking more along the lines of at least have a few different kinds of fish or maybe even rare fish.
  23. redfield-77

    Pro Tips! Post Pro Tips Here!

    Complete arma2 bootcamp before playing dayz. Not all of it is relevant to dayz but the parts that are will make you better. Remember some players have 3 years experience on you. The arma2 players are the biggest threat in the game you might as well familiarize yourself with some of what they know.
  24. redfield-77


    Im not against it but I cant see myself standing still on the coast while fishing casually waiting for the long death (aka sniper). If you could go out on a boat and fish I might indulge but it would have to be fun.