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Everything posted by bobassaur

  1. bobassaur

    Too much ping.

    Hey, somedays ago I was playing normally with ok pings, but about 4 days ago, my ping has increased anormally, now even BR servers won't accept my ping (btw, I'm from brazil and the BR servers sometimes reach 500) :( If it happens to you, post down there your case, and if you know a solution, post here as well. thnks Edit: sometimes, my ping is 'nice', but when I try to log on a server, it also increaso to 300 +
  2. bobassaur

    How to update to 95389?

    i downloaded the new beta patch and updated by using six launcher
  3. I just don't know how to update the beta build... I downloaded and installed DayZ yesterday, but my version is 95248 and I dunno how to update to 95389 (and further ones)
  4. bobassaur

    How do I update to the new beta build?

    and six launcher? btw: how do I use six updater or DayZ commander? I mean, is there a button like 'organize all my files related to dayz' or something? edit: I just used six launcher, but still, i'm now using version 95417, is this right?
  5. bobassaur

    How do I update to the new beta build?

    what do i do now? I downloaded from this 'official' topic: http://dayzmod.com/f...nd-server-info/ now I have an archive named 'ARMA2_OA_Build_95389' but I don't know what to do with this edit: I have Six Updater in here, but when I launch by the steam (steam library -> launch ArmA II: combined operations) it's still like I if was using an old version
  6. 95417 already? i thought it was to use 95389 for sometime... i still don't know how to update, can someone help me?
  7. anyone can help me to update my beta build?
  8. bobassaur

    How to update to 95389?

    hey everybody! in my beta folder there is no arma20a.exe, but there's a folder .rsync and another folder .pack, so it's 'operation arrowhead/.rsync/.pack' and THERE'S 'arma2oa.exe', it's a in rar. is that suposed to be right?
  9. I'm a player, can I make a question (another one) in this post about servers and stuff?
  10. That's bassicaly this... there's always an issue. Some times says things like 'bad version, server rejected version', some times is that Battle Eye thing, sometimes it keeps 'connecting to host' for a while and soon it says some thing like 'Connection failed', and I can't never connect to any damn host! And it's weird cause I downloaded DayZ today (07/30/2012) and it's like I'm using old versions of DayZ and/or Battle Eye... Damn. If any one know some way to help me, please, I really want to play DayZ ):
  11. bobassaur

    Can't connect to any servers! :(

    btw: on my Arma 2 OA menu on the bottom right corner it's written "Version: 1.62.95248" and below it's "DayZ" is that right? most servers say "Bad version, server rejected". However, I downloaded Six Update and was able to login, is that supposed to happen? edit (later the same night): i was able to connect to some servers (dayZ version was, however, there are some servers that seem that don't use beta version 95389, where can I download this more actual beta version?