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Everything posted by Kemerd

  1. Well, it's simple. I can't recieve Direct Channel text. I'm pretty sure other people can hear mine, but I can't hear theirs. When I play Origins, it has no Side Chat, so it only has DC. I can't get anyone to play with me if I can't awnser any of their questions. Please help! My DC doesn't work on any servers!
  2. Well, it's simple. I can't recieve Direct Channel text. I'm pretty sure other people can hear mine, but I can't hear theirs. When I play Origins, it has no Side Chat, so it only has DC. I can't get anyone to play with me if I can't awnser any of their questions. Please help! My DC doesn't work on any servers!
  3. Could someone help me out here? I have: ARMA 2: Complete Collection (Steam) Day Z Commander I have all the overwrite settings on, but I think I rememer seeing an error saying failure to overwrite BETA... The thing is, that I can't press escape. Can't open up that essential menu. I also can't shoot my gun or aim it... This means the game is unplayable when I glitch out. Also, It says: Script scan was complete, no bad contenet was found. Thanks in advance.
  4. Kemerd

    Controls Don't Work

    I rebooted my PC. Worked like a charm. This topic can be closed now.
  5. Kemerd

    Controls Don't Work

    Still, escape doesn't work. Help? :(
  6. Kemerd

    Controls Don't Work

    1 file for arma 2, and 15 for arma oa. Files that I had to reaquire that is. I'll try running them and then reinstalling. Thanks, I'll keep you posted.
  7. Kemerd

    Controls Don't Work

    The problem is, that I have all the other DLCs, and I would like the high res textures (for chars) from them. So that might be causing problems?
  8. I've started using Day Z Commander, and I just updated everything., to Lingor and Latest Patches and stuff. I'ts telling me on these different servers, that I'm banned from Acsessing Disallowed Object? Haven't even gotten a character. Another server told me hack #37. I never hacked anything! What do I do D:?
  9. I agree. I started playing Day Z just today. I felt so lost, I felt alone. I had no weapon. Just a dumb ol' flashlight, a bandage, and some pain meds. After several times dieing, I was still confused. The game was frustrating. But then I was lucky. I guy came over in a jeep and picked me up. We became friends. We survived together. Then he broke his leg and was left in the dark with 14 blood. He gave me all his gear and then respawned himself. I was left with all his things. That single experience made me love Day Z. I went from being a hopeless lost person, hating Day Z. To loving Day Z and playing on. Now I love Day Z. So if you see any newbies around, help them out! (I'm mad though, cause I dropped my hatchet in the dark and couldn't find it. Bleh.)