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About bluester

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. bluester

    How is it even lagging?

    I only started experiencing lag yesterday. Before then it's been absolutely fine, so it's probably either down to the latest patch or overloading of the hive rather than poor optimisation of Arma 2.
  2. Could've also been someone hopping onto the server in both cases. Has happened to me at the NW airfield, it's very annoying.
  3. bluester

    Being unlucky(or stupid)

    Not on Chicago 10 by any chance?
  4. Would just like to thank those in Novy and Stary for some excellent firefights this evening and thanks to the hosts.
  5. bluester

    IF this was an actual game...

    - Game purchase only. - Community servers. - Studio developed, preferably by BIS or if not, a model more like the one Project Cars uses rather than Kickstarter.
  6. What is the 'hardcore' community? -- Today was the first time in months someone has actually made me angry after they followed me, an unarmed survivor, into a warehouse and proceeded to shoot me in the back. I think you'd probably have to be a bit of a maladjusted dicksplash in real life to think that's an ok thing to do in a game.