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Everything posted by Tremaparagon

  1. We were on US 263. We believe a man named Slyface was teleporting around and killing people. This was around 8:15 PM Mountain Daylight Time (GMT -7) I don't have any hard evidence, but if you trust my anecdote, let me tell you what happened. In a server with about 15 people, my 2 friends and I included, were killed by what sounded like an AS50 just northeast of Devi'ls castle. Not a hacker, we where just unlucky, right? The three of us then respawned. One of my friends respawned in Cherno, and was immediately killed by an AS50. Another one of my friends respawned in Elektro, unconcious. Someone immediately began dragging his body, and then teleported away as he gained conciousness, only to be shot by an AS50. I respawned at otmel and went to loot the docks. I thought I felt a presence coming, so I ran out the window. His shot fired, and I fell down under it, landing in the water, where I bandaged myself from the fall damage, hid in the plants, and disconnected. Honestly I think it is too big of a coincidence for the three of us to spawn, in a 15 person server, and all get targeted at the same time by 3 AS50 users. During this time, death messages of many other players in the server were popping up. Furthermore, one of the death messages, unlike all the others, said "friendly fire" at the end of it, and it mentioned his name. None of us had fraps running though so we don't exactly have proof.