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Posts posted by namedangel

  1. Only thing I agree with here would be some solid hand-to-hand combat skills. I'm only about five games in and absolutely dreadful at it. The newbie guide here helped (I'm going to reload the game and crouch through). But the first thing I need to figure out is the best way to bind my MBP keyboard (or PS3 controller) to play the game well. My biggest learning curve is the controls because I'm a console gamer. But so far, the experience, down to the music is pretty damn menacing.

  2. I currently play it on my 2011 MacBook pro.

    Only issue I've found so far is no hash key for some servers other than that it's fine.

    You'll have to install a windows operating system in a bootcamp partition though as its a pc only game. (recommend 7 if you're using mac lion).

    Would you mind posting a screenshot of your settings or something? I partitioned my drive yesterday just to play this, and I got it working, but the only thing I can do is run and look around. Oh, I can crouch, do that move over obstacles, and that's about it. I'm using the trackpad on my 2011 MacBook Pro. Can't cycle through weapons. Can't defend myself. I don't even know how to chat.

    I'm also a strict console gamer. (Tried mapping my PS3 controller to use for the game, and I was only able to move and crouch.) This Day Z concept is the only thing that's lured me away from consoles.

    Please help, man.
