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Posts posted by fortalyst

  1. I just think there should be more differences between regular and vet, or even a third difficulty for the noobs, one where broken bone status wears off and zombies give up after awhile, or get distracted by other meat sources like the animals.

    Whenever I've suffered a broken bone when I've had no gear I just simply suicide & respawn & start again. I see no reason to pander noobs by letting a broken bone heal on its own in a matter of minutes when you're playing a game designed to be a semi-realistic zombie survival simulation. It took me a lot of lives before I learned how to escape zombies & if you've not got the patience to learn how to play an game as amazing as this without bothering to read the f*cking manual then good riddance - leave the limited spots in servers to those of us who are interested. You're only making things worse by whinging on internet forums about a bad experience that you had to people who have clearly learned how to play. That'd be like me crying on Blizzard forums that the inferno difficulty in Diablo III is too hard and that they need to fix their game because I spent all of my money and died too much and now can't do anything coz my gear sucks. You've had all manner of people in this thread say "this is how you should be playing, learn to play, RTFM, or go play another game" and all you're doing is continue to whine about game mechanics which clearly the rest of us don't have much of a problem with.
