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Everything posted by Phuket

  1. US 1973 is a private server that has tons of weapon boxes, vehicals, and helicopters! It also has randomly spawning bunkers across the map full of good loot and upgraded towns! Hoping to see more people on the server battling it out and surviving together since in its current state it is rather empty. Thanks and hope to see you there!
  2. Anything outside the border will despawn after a server restart.
  3. Going to join your TS, and Server today! Hoping to find a good group of people to run with! :D
  4. Phuket

    New Clan the Cherno Champions

    Forum Name: Phuket Game Name: Matt Age: 19 Gender: Male Mic: I have one Play Style: I play tacticaly and try to play with groups of people if possible. Go around looting, looking for vehicals, and helping other players. Humanity (Number or type): 6200, Hero How long have you been playing: Been playing for about 2 1/2 months now.
  5. Phuket

    Starting 3-6 Person group

    Would Love to join! Ive been playing for over a month now and im on almost everyday. Skype: MRaymond92
  6. Phuket

    Real Houses That Can Be Defended

    I really like the ideas. Not to crazy about the door locking though. Sure its not bad, but itd be asking for complications with people locking doors, logging of and maybe not relogging for weeks at a time. So I'd have to say no on anything like that. Now maybe if you could find a bobby pin and pick lock a locked door? Or break it open with a few rounds from a weapon? That might change it up a bit! But some great ideas! Have my beans! :beans:
  7. Phuket

    Rather than the Respawn Button....

    Honestly... this is probably the best suggestion ive seen! Props :lol:
  8. Phuket

    Looking for a squad? Click here!

    Primary: M4A1 Secondary: M1911 Important Equipment: GPS, NVG Murders: 0 Why I want to join raid: I would love a good group of guys to play with! The current group I played with doesnt get on anymore and I need another! My Skype is: MRaymond92 I have a mic!
  9. Phuket

    Some (cool) ideas for items.

    Agreed... Its nice to see people thinking of ideas to make the game fun, but the funnest part is the realism. As soon as we start adding things like "Power ups" and "Levels" It just takes away from that realism, which is why most people enjoy day z to begin with. With the guns idea... its not all to bad but why dismantel the whole gun? Why not just make it so that maybe you find an AS50, and you could also find different scopes to attach to different weapons. For instance, I find a Thermal scope and decide to attach it to a AS50 or maybe M4A1? Of course it would only be good for certain weapons so people are not running around with Lee Enfield TWS :P
  10. Phuket


    Looking for more who might be intrested in joining a small group were trying to get going. Were getting ready to set up a camp now and going around looking for vehicals and loot. We use Skype so if your intrested then just hit me up! MRaymond92
  11. Me and a friend are looking for a group to play with! Skype name is MRaymond92
  12. Phuket

    Animal spawns

    Not sure if this is how the mechanics of the game work, but it seems to work for me. Just like how zombies will only spawn if a survivor is nearby, I would assume the same for animals as to not bog down the game. Maybe try sitting in a spot with some feilds for a minute or two and then take a look around your area. When im moving around I wont see any animals myself. But then as soon as I stop and check my map or gear for a minute and keep on moving, I will run into an animal in a nearby feild or treeline. Let me know if this does indeed work for you.
  13. Phuket

    Tent problem

    Watch this video. It helped me and it should help you.
  14. Phuket

    Looking for a DayZ Skype Partner

    MRaymond92, looking for a good group to play with.