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Everything posted by excelsior

  1. Find US 2830 at the same IP, different port. US 2830 Chernarus On Private Community Hive now. Still 70 players! Now with 70 Vehicles!
  2. excelsior

    How is survivalservers?

    Without a doubt, go with Survival Servers. Click my link to get me some credit please. The level of support is 10x better than any other service I have ever used in the past.
  3. I just ordered my switch to the Private Community Hive myself. See you soon!!!
  4. excelsior

    20 Hackers?

    Actually, the hacker attempted to run a script that ended up causing players on the server to all be hit with script restriction #20. I would ignore these as they are VERY difficult in figuring out who the culprit is.
  5. excelsior

    How to find vehicle spawn point from logs?

    At least you are getting a heli to spawn! 114 138 South of Drakon in the water
  6. Venthos, PM me a way to contact you. I would like to shar what I have experience in hopes to make this a little more consistent for everyone in working.
  7. excelsior

    Gpeck (video proof)

    It take about 3-3.5mins per kilometer walking. He went exactly from 062 126 to 098 129 in 7 minutes 52 seconds. AND showed up on my setpos.log so walking was not a concern for me. How else would you explain he showed up on that log please?
  8. Players need a way to contact the admin in one way or another IN game. Either by a command "/admin message" or a voice channel.
  9. excelsior

    Gpeck (video proof)

    24.09.2012 11:58:45: Gpeck (IP.138:4104) df0217dc42857fe8e494137b4f396d36 - 26:4 [6200,2615,11] 24.09.2012 12:06:38: Gpeck (IP.138:4104) df0217dc42857fe8e494137b4f396d36 - 19:212 [9847,2310,45] Lets see, the horizontal plane alone.... He went from square 62 to square 98 in 8 minutes? He had already been banned on my server.
  10. excelsior

    Servers with regular restarts?

    Our server restarts are scheduled after 6 hours of gametime. With reminders on each hour of how long left.
  11. excelsior

    Are these legit logs?

    First off, remove the IP and GUID please. These two lines are enough for a ban for most: 06.09.2012 04:16:27: Happy Fluffy Sheep (IP:2324) GUID - #0 "Land_House_L_1_EP1" 4:80 [10373,6349,258] 06.09.2012 04:16:51: Happy Fluffy Sheep (IP:2324) GUID - #0 "Land_House_L_1_EP1" 4:99 [10378,6342,258] This person spawned a house on the NE face of Baranchik mountain near Shakhovka
  12. You have M4A1_Aim_camo in your list twice Here is the list of weapons that I have found are illegal AK_107_GL_kobra AK_107_GL_pso AK_107_kobra AK_107_pso AK_74_GL AKS_74_pso AKS_74_UN_kobra BAF_AS50_TWS BAF_L110A1_Aim BAF_L7A2_GPMG BAF_L85A2_RIS_ACOG BAF_L85A2_RIS_Holo BAF_L85A2_RIS_SUSAT BAF_L85A2_UGL_ACOG BAF_L85A2_UGL_Holo BAF_L85A2_UGL_SUSAT BAF_L86A2_ACOG BAF_LRR_scoped BAF_LRR_scoped_W Bizon G36_C_SD_eotech G36_camo G36a G36C G36K KSVK m107_TWS_EP1 M16A4 M16A4_ACG_GL M16A4_GL m240_scoped_EP1 m240_scoped_EP1 M249_EP1 M249_m145_EP1 M24_des_EP1 M40A3 M4A1_Aim_camo M4A1_HWS_GL_camo M4A1_HWS_GL_SD_camo M4A1_RCO_GL M4A3_RCO_GL_EP1 M4SPR M60A4_EP1 M8_sharpshooter MakarovSD Mk_48_DES_EP1 Pecheneg revolver_gold_EP1 RPK_74 Sa61_EP1 Saiga12K SVD SVD_des_EP1 SVD_NSPU_EP1 UZI_SD_EP1
  13. excelsior

    Looking for Private Server Host

    I will HIGHLY recommend Survival Servers! I couldn't be happier!!! Click the link in my signature please.
  14. This is a log you will regularly see from a lot of players. I see it for my own character and I know I am not cheating. So I say you are good.
  15. How ould I go about checking to make sure the server is saving to the hive or not? I have had it on for quite a few hours now and have seen quite a few illegal weapons come and go, yet still no kicks or logs.
  16. I was under the impression that I figured out the double restart conundrum to allow tents to appear after a restart? But my configuration does not seem to do it. Can anyone take a look at the end of my scheduler and let me know how you are achieving a nice double restart? <job id="12"> <time>055900</time> <day>1,2,3,4,5,6,7</day> <loop>0</loop> <cmd>say -1 SCHEDULED SERVER RESTART IN 1 MINUTE</cmd> <cmdtype>0</cmdtype> </job> <job id="13"> <time>055955</time> <day>1,2,3,4,5,6,7</day> <loop>0</loop> <cmd>say -1 .............................. R E S T A R T I N G N O W (#1 of 2) ..............................</cmd> <cmdtype>0</cmdtype> </job> <job id="14"> <time>060000</time> <day>1,2,3,4,5,6,7</day> <loop>0</loop> <cmd>#restart</cmd> <cmdtype>0</cmdtype> </job> <job id="15"> <time>060006</time> <day>1,2,3,4,5,6,7</day> <loop>0</loop> <cmd>say -1 .............................. R E S T A R T I N G N O W (#2) ..............................</cmd> <cmdtype>0</cmdtype> </job> <job id="16"> <time>060010</time> <day>1,2,3,4,5,6,7</day> <loop>0</loop> <cmd>#restart</cmd> <cmdtype>0</cmdtype> </job>
  17. I may need some help here. I have this applied on my server and tested it out by having someone enter with an AS50 Thermal and it did nothing.
  18. I have put this in and nothing is working on my end.
  19. excelsior

    US 52 Monky Monitor

    Shun me, but I found out who was doing it on mine. It is a script that loops when they are on the server for all players when they join. It took me a little while, but my guy stayed on and allowed me to figure it out. Here is my guy's GUID dd3ed6c02c22cd8162cfe353d4ba84a4
  20. Check coordinates against time and make a ruling that way.
  21. excelsior

    Suspicious Createvehicle.log?

    First off, remove the GUID and IP. The backpack logs I would completely ignore. The pipebomb logs look like they had simply placed 6 satchel charges at Office building/school in Elektro.
  22. I would prefer to kick for a selection of weapons, lets say just the AS50 Thermal and the G36 only. I would prefer to auto-kick a set number of times with warnings and then ban if they continue.
  23. excelsior

    Hitman for hire.

    My point was that if he were a hitman, how would he be able to tell who was who on a NT:off server without using a script to display that hidden information?
  24. excelsior

    Autoban for Teleporting ???

    OK, let me explain here. Player 1 (top 2 lines) travelled a GREAT distance horizontally from grid 34 to grid 36 in .11 seconds, which is impossible. Player 2 (rest of lines) was sitting on that little island way to the SE and teleporting multiple other players there. Just the fact that he was ON that Island is enough for me. 20.09.2012 16:47:45: PLAYERNAME (PLAYERIP) 3b2e10aRESTOFGUID - 2:396 [3424,2257,7] 20.09.2012 16:47:56: PLAYERNAME (PLAYERIP) 3b2e10aRESTOFGUID - 2:396 [3626,2071,1] 20.09.2012 17:36:05: PLAYERNAME (PLAYERIP) 4b20de7RESTOFGUID - 2:380 [23983,-4,24] 20.09.2012 17:36:24: PLAYERNAME (PLAYERIP) 4b20de7RESTOFGUID - 2:397 [23981,4,23] 20.09.2012 17:36:31: PLAYERNAME (PLAYERIP) 4b20de7RESTOFGUID - 2:381 [23997,-3,24] 20.09.2012 17:36:38: PLAYERNAME (PLAYERIP) 4b20de7RESTOFGUID - 2:392 [23994,10,24] 20.09.2012 17:36:47: PLAYERNAME (PLAYERIP) 4b20de7RESTOFGUID - 2:395 [23975,11,21] 20.09.2012 17:36:54: PLAYERNAME (PLAYERIP) 4b20de7RESTOFGUID - 2:389 [23986,17,21] 20.09.2012 17:37:05: PLAYERNAME (PLAYERIP) 4b20de7RESTOFGUID - 2:396 [23983,-6,23] 20.09.2012 17:37:14: PLAYERNAME (PLAYERIP) 4b20de7RESTOFGUID - 2:398 [24001,0,26] 20.09.2012 17:37:23: PLAYERNAME (PLAYERIP) 4b20de7RESTOFGUID - 2:385 [23972,-6,20] 20.09.2012 17:38:06: PLAYERNAME (PLAYERIP) 4b20de7RESTOFGUID - 2:387 [23987,0,24] 20.09.2012 17:38:12: PLAYERNAME (PLAYERIP) 4b20de7RESTOFGUID - 2:393 [23986,-3,24] 20.09.2012 17:38:19: PLAYERNAME (PLAYERIP) 4b20de7RESTOFGUID - 2:394 [23967,3,21] 20.09.2012 17:39:16: PLAYERNAME (PLAYERIP) 4b20de7RESTOFGUID - 507:4 [23993,19,19] 20.09.2012 17:39:16: PLAYERNAME (PLAYERIP) 4b20de7RESTOFGUID - 496:4 [24001,11,22] 20.09.2012 17:39:16: PLAYERNAME (PLAYERIP) 4b20de7RESTOFGUID - 485:30 [24001,19,20] 20.09.2012 17:39:16: PLAYERNAME (PLAYERIP) 4b20de7RESTOFGUID - 485:273 [23996,11,22] 20.09.2012 17:39:16: PLAYERNAME (PLAYERIP) 4b20de7RESTOFGUID - 485:263 [23993,18,20] 20.09.2012 17:39:16: PLAYERNAME (PLAYERIP) 4b20de7RESTOFGUID - 485:258 [24002,9,23] 20.09.2012 17:39:16: PLAYERNAME (PLAYERIP) 4b20de7RESTOFGUID - 485:260 [23991,4,23] 20.09.2012 17:39:16: PLAYERNAME (PLAYERIP) 4b20de7RESTOFGUID - 485:265 [23999,6,24] 20.09.2012 17:39:16: PLAYERNAME (PLAYERIP) 4b20de7RESTOFGUID - 485:256 [23991,5,23] 20.09.2012 17:39:17: PLAYERNAME (PLAYERIP) 4b20de7RESTOFGUID - 485:267 [23996,18,20]