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About Cannon15

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  1. Cannon15

    Hero Skin

    I have been a bandit for a long time and I have -200k karma and I am begining to doubt that I will never be able to have a hero skin. Is there anyway I can reset my karma to have a chance at geting it?
  2. So does the new update make Helichopers save???
  3. So does the new update make Helichopers save???
  4. Cannon15

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    I love you Thank you so much so does that mean choper saves now???? :DD
  5. Cannon15

    Repaired cars and helicopters

    The Reason I say "No" Is because the fact is you don't need a car or a heli it's a want and if you want a Heli or a car you should have to work your ass off to get it.
  6. Cannon15

    Cars changing after server restart

    I've had my VS3 turn into a bike before and I know someone didn't take it because the server restarted when I was playing and went back in and found a bike right where it was siting. :P
  7. Cannon15

    Pending Update: Build

    I love you for this :D ATVS are not useless after having them for 1 hour :D
  8. Cannon15

    My last 30 minutes.

    Game is geting a bit to out of hand I might wait a whileto play again or at least till they fix the Helis not saving and lightrays ;x
  9. Cannon15

    Chopper Adventure & Failure Vid!

    Same thing almost happened to mine lol I was Repairing a Choper and Got up in the air for like 2 hours then I went to pick up buddys and He wanted a Gun so I went back to base and it started to slide and hit a tree and blew me up lol ;x
  10. Cannon15

    Being a zombie.

    Hahahahaha that guy more then likely pissed his pants Good one make more please :)
  11. I am looking to join a experienced bandit group. I have been playing for 2 months now and had every type of gun in the game and I know many tactics. Reason I want to join is because my group I had don't play anymore we were about 6-7 Players But the many reason is cause its not as fun playing alone. Add me on Steam http://steamcommunity.com/id/Reloadz
  12. Cannon15

    Im having trouble understanding this....

    A Ah hahaha alright didn't relise that it went betewen lives hahaha thanks for the help my beans to you! :D
  13. Hello. My question is when you respawn I start with like -130k Humainity I don't get how is it possible to get the "Hero" Skin if you start with that much? Is it just me or is it everyone eles aswell? Thanks for reading and please comment.
  14. Hello I made a Background for dayz I want to know if it looks alright Here it is: I enjoy feedback so any fine.