So here's the story. Friday night I decided to play some DayZ. I had been playing a few hours when I came across this SUV. Of course it needed some TLC (Engine, wheels, fuel, etc.) So I decided to take on the project seeing how it wasn't far from Cherno. After 2 hours of scavenging parts I finally had my very own vehicle. After completing it, there was noone else on the server (Damn...4AM EST came quick) So I decided to head up to the airbase and look for some higher end weapons. Needless to say after driving around hitting the hotspots I had a pretty nice collection of weapons and ammo. So I decided I would take it up far North into the wilderness and hide my stash. So my SUV is "hidden" and I log out beside it so that I can wake up in the morning and hop right in and take off. So I wake up in the morning, eat some breakfast, then login to DayZ. I log in and I look around and my newly built machine is nowhere to be seen. It had only been 4 hours and someone had already found my fucking vehicle. By this time my piss is boiling, I was already pissed that my girlfriend woke me up at 8 AM, but now my god damn vehicle is missing. Flash forward to tonight, I decided to look for a new vehicle so I have the map up on my second monitor running between vehicle spawn points when I see, in the guessed it, MY SUV! I'm not gonna lie I got kinda happy. I went running towards it when it started to drive away! It caught me off guard and my heart stopped a moment. It was in a valley and it started driving up the side of the hill so I decided to follow it (I pretty much ran same speed as it drove up the hill) The bastard that had stolen it led me straight to his camp. He had 3 vehicles total and a load of tents. I sat there with my DMR watching him, seeing if he had any allies around. I sat there watching him go between vehicles/tents unloading his supplies. He's standing at the back of my truck when I decided I've seen enough and I shot him in the back of the head, instant death. I sat there a few minutes waiting to see if there was any movement, my heart was racing. After awhile I ran up to the camp and started to raid it. I checked my SUV, it still had pretty much the same items that I had in it so I knew for sure it was mine. I went around to all the tents, took out all the good stuff and loaded up one of his V3S Civilian's. I then ran over seven tents full of ammo/guns/food/etc and left a couple empty tents standing. (Sorry, I didn't think to record any of that) Here is where the video picks up.
I go around to show you what is in each vehicle, I wish I had recorded what was in the tents before I ran them over. Sorry for the wall of text but I figured it was a pretty funny story. tl;dr: Watch the video, you'll get the jest of it.