Server Name: US198 (Your) Timezone: GMT Date/Time: 30/7/2012 10:41am Server Administrator('s): not sure, there was an admin present but didnt note his name down. What happened: about 2 days ago we started playing on us198, myself and some mates. After wandering around in the wilderness for an hour or 2 we came across a large camp with multiple vehicles and many tents. When we found the camp the server went down. At first we assumed it was a crash but now whenever we connect they immedeatly shut down the server. We reconnected today upon seeing the server was live again thought we could finally go raid the camp we found. About 5 seconds into the game we were kicked and the server shut down. It came back a minute later but when we tried to connect we recieved an error messge saying we have been battle eye banned for ghosting. One of my friends hasnt even seen the camp and wasn't there when we found it the first time around and he has also recieved a ban just for connecting. Evidence/Proof: Everytime we connect the server shuts down. The same people appear to be present in the server and we have been banned for no good reason. We figure they are only using the server as a camp server for themselves to rearm and collect vehicles and good weapons in peace. As a side note were ot bothered about getting in and the camp anymore just thought it was very unsporting and maybe something would be done about it. Thanks in advance, Calaghan