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About Mastariata

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  1. Mastariata

    Best Video Dayz

    Pretty sure it's Portuguese' date=' judging from the fact that it's most popular in Brazil. [/quote'] >implying it matters what language it's in if it isn't in english.
  2. Mastariata

    Improving the respawn system

    Could you expand on that a bit? I'd like to know if you dislike the idea of a less harsh respawn penalty for new players or a respawn penalty in general. Since you quoted my later post where I proposed some ways to lessen the penalty for new players I'm guessing the former. Also' date=' what are your thoughts on capping the respawn penalty for new and experienced players/just new players? [/quote'] I can sort of see how a different respawn time might be good. It would make players value their lives more, like you said. However, I already value my life quite a lot in this game, but I do get the feeling that others don't. As for a respawn penalty, it should be the exact same for everyone. I don't see why new players should get a reduced penalty. On my first life I lived for like 3-4 days before being killed by the ladder bug. A new player needs to realize that if he uses his brain and his instinct he can survive. Also the penalty being the same adds some fear into the game for said new players, especially if they spawn in Cherno and realize that they need to leave quickly. As for capping, I do believe there should be a cap, yes. The respawn time shouldn't be too ridiculous. Imagine getting killed by a bug and having to wait for fucking ages because of it, it would just piss you off quite nicely.
  3. Mastariata

    Best Video Dayz

    Except it's like all in spanish and shit yo.
  4. Rocket has clearly stated that PvP will never be removed. Deal with it and learn to adapt. I once played on a SA:MP roleplaying server, where for years I was a criminal. The developers, however, kept pushing cops to get better script support / advantage over the criminals because it wasn't "realistic" that criminals could be better than cops. Basically the cops whined and whinged because they died too much, because they never had to deal with even odds, which made the criminals better since they were the underdog. They had more skill than the cops. This led to the game being horribly imbalanced towards one side because they had less skill than the other side. You're asking for a handicap because you can't survive as it is now. That's the bottom line. I've been playing this mod for roughly a month. I have NOT ONCE died from a player. I've died twice in total, one being from the ladder bug and one from being stuck in a situation where I couldn't outrun the zombies. You must at all times move carefully and get the fuck off the coast. Everything on DayZ is balanced right now. The same amount of shots kill from a specific weapon kill the same amount of shit, no matter what skin you wear. The same amount of loot is available for players, and you've got exactly the same amount of chances as anyone else. If you're one of those people who never wants to shoot at anyone ever, then you better get damn good at hiding. This mod doesn't, and should not reward stupidity like running in an open field at night, or trying to group with absolute strangers in Cherno over fucking side chat. If you want to make this a game where you can run through Cherno at night with chemlights in your hands playing rave music over direct chat without a care in the world, please go away and stop ruining this mod.
  5. Mastariata

    DayZ Memes

    ITT: people who don't know how to properly use memes
  6. Mastariata

    Bandits don't get punished, Survivors do...

    ^The incentive for survivor groups already exists. Bandits can and will kill you for your equipment. Your incentive for grouping is more supplies, more ammo, and more protection. You already have exactly that which you just asked for.
  7. Mastariata

    Bandits don't get punished, Survivors do...

    ^Childish idiot with no grasp of the meaning of consequences or responsibility. Listen kid' date=' if you have real life issues, go and solve them instead of going on the Internet. lol! Pathetic. [/quote'] You seem upset there, blackdragon. Something got your jimmies in a rustle? Also there should be no punishment system. The punishment for survivors is that you trust everyone because you're idiots and you get killed. It's a post apocalypse, learn to live with it. In a theoretical real zombie apocalypse the exact same thing would happen. This is a simulator of the zombie apocalypse, nothing more, and nothing less. Those who say this isn't balanced are completely wrong. It's 100 percent balanced. Everyone has the ability to do the same exact actions as everyone else. Equal opportunities. Just because you can't make yours work doesn't mean there is an inherent flaw in the game.
  8. Mastariata

    Bandits don't get punished, Survivors do...

    ITT: butthurt survivors complain about how the game is unfair
  9. Mastariata

    Bandit/Survivor Morphing to be removed

    I suppose that a way to tag survivors friendly or hostile would be nice. However after character death this should reset (i.e hostile/friendly players don't stay tagged through death) so that it corresponds with the whole "starting from square one" way that this game works. Although I personally have never had a problem identifying friend from foe. But that's mainly because everyone in game is someone that I don't trust, and I'm always on teamspeak with the groups that I am with.