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About qubolo@gmail.com

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  1. Great, i just found the only one expert server without 3dp with people on it and its down now, super duper great.
  2. qubolo@gmail.com

    Your CD key has been disabled.

    The same for me happened today.
  3. qubolo@gmail.com

    altf4,serverhopping suggestions

    If we would stop reforming the law just because some criminals can find a hole in it. that would be just pure madness and anarchy. Anarchy is the thing we want to prevent here. because this game in therms of hacking/abusing, is the worst i have ever seen in my life. and about combat DC, i had that many times, you can't even loot the body cause it dissapears just a second after he altf4's
  4. qubolo@gmail.com

    Tents need to be removed...

    the problem here is not with tents, but with to high weapon spawn rate. that is why people have tents full of cool stuff.
  5. Dude i honestly hope that you are wrong, i just started to play that game and it's amazing and twice as much annoying. not saving stuff and artifacts is major issue, its not like that little bug sitting there and waiting for fix. This should be fixed RIGHT AWAY. Takes too long, so i think your post may possibly be true.
  6. Same with the offroad. and it got displaced a couple of meters as well as lose gear. edit: I checked again, and lost some fine gear. i'd like to see that fixed otherwise it makes the game a bit screwd up
  7. qubolo@gmail.com

    Game state revert system to counteract hacking?

    I think that is a bad idea. People would just overuse it when they die from zombies or something elese. thats hard to prove a hacker attack sometimes.
  8. qubolo@gmail.com

    White Flag? Ceasefire? (Stop KoS)

    Yes that makes the problem. But it is only like that,because zombies don't pose any real threat to you. seriously you can just stand and shoot them all day if you have ammo. Zombies have to become more powerful to the point when people would have to join in groups in order to survive. that is one of the options i think.
  9. NO it leaves no means to be creative once it compromises you. suggesting visual sign like a scary face.
  10. qubolo@gmail.com

    IF this was an actual game...

    - Game purchase with Monthly fee (If it develops more realism and immersion. Also more control over random server admins) - Game purchase only (is an option) BIG NO! for buying weapons id rather play ASG and buy real replicas rather than in game. - Studio developed with little feedback - Studio servers (more control) - Kickstarter
  11. qubolo@gmail.com

    20 words or less: Spawning without a weapon

    YES Because survival is not about charging the danger with weapon, but about thinking and avoiding it. This adds whole lot new dimensions to the game: -When you encounter a man with a gun, you rarely go to him and ask things... You friggin run! that should solve the problem with being killed by bandits that people tend to whine about. -Much more immersion by depending on teamplay (you can ask your friend to bring some weapon to your location) -More rewarding moment when you find your first weapon.
  12. qubolo@gmail.com

    How much would you pay?

    If it is going for strong realism and immersion, not for casuals and people calling for more items spawning, i would pay even 60$.