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Everything posted by ShiddySmell

  1. ShiddySmell

    Repairing vehicles

    The burnt out looking ones can't be repaired, the repairable ones look like normal vehicles, but have wheels missing (unless they've been replaced).
  2. Bandit skins were inherently bad because they marked killers as such, wouldn't a serial killer try to blend in as much as possible? I find it ludicrous that people think the bandit skin belongs in this game for "balancing" issues, Rocket stated himself that DayZ was never meant to be balanced, it's meant to be a cruel, harsh, unforgiving world where the only aim is to survive. I run with a group of "bandits" and had the survivor skin due to the amount of bandaging/transfusions etc I give out regularly. This does not mean that I wont shoot you in the face at the first opportunity, it just means that you THINK I may not. A perfect example of the misguided trust the survivor skin gave people happened just a few nights ago. I spawned near Elektro, hit up the church and saw a guy looting stuff, he looked at me, saw the survivor skin and carried on looting. I let him get on with it and then shot him in the head just as he was picking up the last of the stuff, then looted him dry in a matter of seconds, saving me the time it would've taken to run around the church cherrypicking loot. TL;DR "Survivors" are just as likely to murder you as "bandits", perhaps even more so.
  3. ShiddySmell

    HOTFIX Rolling Update

    You guys saying congratulations do realise that it's not 1 million players, right? This is 1 million CHARACTERS, both dead and alive. The problem is the dead ones cluttering up the DB and breaking stuff. I don't want to live on this planet any more.
  4. ShiddySmell

    Rocket launcher is underpowered

    So it was you. I almost shit my pants when that thing hit, I'd just picked up a coyote backpack in that tent and BOOM, my ears were ringing, eyes were fuzzy and all kinds of crazy shit. You also managed to miss us both several times with whatever gun you started firing afterwards too. We then went on to loot stary for some good gear, which included a tent and shit. Just wish you hadn't spawned a shitload of zed at the base though, we weren't quite finished there.