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Castiel (DayZ)

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-2 Poor

About Castiel (DayZ)

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  1. Castiel (DayZ)

    To the guys of [-DST-] on UK101...

    "sorry its just I thought this was a bandit forum, not a place were people come to stroke their e-peens" Thats exactly what you're doing.
  2. Yes. god yes. Fuck yes. YES. YES. YES.
  3. Castiel (DayZ)

    Some people just suck

    Oh nice. I didn't know that! Thanks for that Mig. :b
  4. Castiel (DayZ)

    How to stop people from playing Day Z

    "Such is life in the zone."
  5. Castiel (DayZ)


    I personally love M24 with M9SD and a AK 74 Kobra in my backpack. Power all around. M9SD for towns i'm looting incase I aggro a zombie, M24 for sniping people right off the bat if I see them, Kobra incase a battle breaks out in town against another player.
  6. Castiel (DayZ)


    Auch! Guess a hacker got lose?
  7. Castiel (DayZ)

    Is DayZ what you expected?

    Its what I expected. Its awesome.
  8. Castiel (DayZ)

    Has Problem With DM, Gets Classed As "Carebear"

    Rockets mod, rockets rules, rockets playground. He'll change what he thinks is suitable, and if he doesnt change this, he doesn't find it suitable. Aien' really much else to say.
  9. Castiel (DayZ)

    Looking to start an European Bandit Squad (GMT+1)

    Why dont people understand the "Add me on skype.." instead of me adding all them? Q.Q
  10. Castiel (DayZ)

    Looking to start an European Bandit Squad (GMT+1)

    Age limit is 15. Caphoras, apparently you can't recieve PM's when I tried to PM you, would like you to join the squad though. Add my skype killingfree or post your steam/skype here : )
  11. Castiel (DayZ)

    Looking to start an European Bandit Squad (GMT+1)

    Need two more! Come on peeps!
  12. I dislike it personally. I love third person mode, I ca'nt really play without it. Guess im one of the few though.
  13. Castiel (DayZ)

    Looking to start an European Bandit Squad (GMT+1)

    I'm from Denmark, Anthraxx is from the Netherlands. Sorry Dharion, but I only use skype. Sounds god, Caphoras. Hope you're interested Jara. : )
  14. Castiel (DayZ)

    Looking to start an European Bandit Squad (GMT+1)

    Need one or two more! : )