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Ketsugo (DayZ)

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About Ketsugo (DayZ)

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. Ketsugo (DayZ)

    So today all bandits are gone?

    The consequence is that you're putting your gear on the line every time you start a confrontation. I plowed through a bandit and his friend when he fired upon me in the woods. They didn't see my buddy trailing back a little ways with a lethal bead on the both of them. When you go against a player, you're putting your beans on the table, and you don't always walk away with two cans.
  2. Ketsugo (DayZ)

    Takistan map?

    I don't think Takistan would fit quite so well into the mod, it doesn't have the same variation in environments that Chernarus does.
  3. Ketsugo (DayZ)

    See my youtube video

    How can there be one and only one, if there's two? :|
  4. Ketsugo (DayZ)

    Dayzmod DB

    It's still an M24. Is the SVD Dragunov picture wrong because there isn't a picture of the one with camo? It's obviously not finished yet. I like the colors on text and background, but the top navigation bar looks out of place by a long shot. Keep working on this!
  5. Ketsugo (DayZ)

    Buildings are NOT safe to log out in.

    You wasted an entire magazine on someone 5 feet from you? Nice job.
  6. Ketsugo (DayZ)

    Bandit/Survivor Morphing to be removed

    Like Xant said, it's always been about the player interaction. The zombies are more of an environmental hazard than an actual threat to the player, until you alert them.
  7. Ketsugo (DayZ)

    Me being an idiot xD

  8. Ketsugo (DayZ)

    How to learn the map?

    Playing Warfare/Domination modes on Chernarus really helps a bit with the lay of the land, but like you said, it's not anything that will happen overnight. :p
  9. Ketsugo (DayZ)

    Me being an idiot xD

    I haven't tried the install tool so I'm not particularly sure down that avenue, but what I've done (Your mileage may vary, I own ArmA2 and OA on Steam) is copy the entire AddOns folder from the ArmA2 folder and paste it into a folder I made in the OA folder called @arma2. Then download all the latest DayZ archives and put the contents of those into a folder called @DayZ, so the folder hierarchy should be OA\@DayZ\Addons\[.pbos here] and OA\@arma2\Addons\[everything here]. Then in Steam launch options for Operation Arrowhead, -mod=@dayz;@arma2; and whatever else to your liking.
  10. Ketsugo (DayZ)

    Average Life Expectancy

    That's because it wasn't taking account of the lifetimes of dead players, just the alive ones.
  11. Ketsugo (DayZ)

    Every game has this topic: Females?

    I wouldn't. She'd stab me in the back for my beans. :dodgy: Edit: On further thought, if we did get a choice of gender when we respawned, I'd play as a female to stab people in the back for their beans. Totally legit.