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Everything posted by kreashion

  1. kreashion

    Story Time!

    Last night the server I was on restarted while I was on top of a damn firestation in Elektro so I already knew today was going to be interesting. This was a freshish character that got lucky and found a dead dude with a full Alice Pack and an AK 74 with 1 and a half mags along with a 4 mag revolver so I got very lucky in that respect. The first thing I did was shit my pants considering there were two dead dudes on the roof with me. I searched them and got some ammo and coke. I then used my Binoculars to scout out the inner firehouse (I'm at the Power Plant one at this point). I see someone on the top floor of the other with what looked like an AK so I immediately decided to go murder his ass. I start moving into town and I stopped at the supermarket within the 100 m journey I saw 6 bodies, so I knew there were no friendlies here, I got behind the counter before I saw my first live man, I wasn't planning on killing him so i told him to lay the fuck down and turn around but he decided to look at me, 5 bullets later he's dead as shit, he had nothing on him and I attracted 5 zeds so i was forced to kill them so I could get out of the building I'm down to a 22 bullet mag and a 3 bullet mag at this point, I then here more gunfire I looked out the front door and some dude is shooting an AK at 3 zombies following him, I let him run into the back entrance of the building while I circled around, he sprinted out the front door without knowing i was right behind him, I then switched to full auto and got 3 bullets into the back of his legs, breaking them, he crawled into the Apartment kiddie corner to the store, I turned into the door and laid into him, I got a 22 bullet mag from him, so now I had a 13 bullet and a 3 bullet, and a 22 bullet mag (Not exactly loaded). Being the greedy bastard I am i decided to loot the office also, but I was lazy about it just running around becuase I had some serious adrenalin going at this point, my hands were even shaking, I got up to the second floor and turned the corner right into some scrub with a makarov, and coyote pack, as I pull my gun up he shoots me knocking me out. I knew I was going to survive because I had a fast knock out timer and 10k blood and I thought this asshole thought I was dead, so at about 6k blood I wake up gray screened and shaking, and I immediately whip around to blast him but the fucker was waiting, not to mention my AK wouldn't come up either and before I knew it I was dead. So I know this isn't the most impressive story but I thought I could entertain someone, and I also just wanted to tell it. So what kind of shit has happened to you guys during your bandit misadventures. Shoot fast and shoot first my bandit brothers.
  2. kreashion

    Do you kill on sight?

    It depends on my equipment like if I have a coyote and an Enfield, yeah I'm going to slaughter everyone until I get better stuff, so yeah it depends on my equipment and on how I'm feeling, Sometimes I just like to go hunting (and I'm not talking about animals)
  3. kreashion

    Story Time!

    Well maybe you should have because I say that I only had a mag and a half so yeah I'm gonna go for some more ammo, and you shouldnt QQ in the damn bandit campfire about hunting people down if you wanna piss and moan about bandits and PKing go to the general discussion or the the survivor HQ
  4. So I'm posting this in the infintesibly small odds that he will see this. I was just playing on a random 55 player server (the reason I don't know how to find him) and as I was looting the outer firehouse of Elektro I managed to get sniped after falling off the peak of the tower and i was down to about 2k health and since i had just been knocked out about ten seconds before I knew this was to be the end, but then miraculously I stopped bleeding out then I got full blood then my still half full Unconscious timer disappeared and I was alive! So i see that a player named Owner was to my left looking for the sniper, he was using an AK 74 with a Kobra and had a Czech backpack, whereas i was using an AK 74 and had an Alice pack so I immediately registered this guy as friendly, considering he hadn't taken my ammo and backpack, and not just some dick who got me up so he could shoot me in the face. He ended up being shot so i bandaged him and as we finally start looking for the Sniper the Damn server restarts. So I am making this Thread in hopes that he will somehow see it, thank you so much for saving me I was having a pretty rough time and on the impossible chance that you see this I would love to play with you some time, so send me a message on skype at dleuzzo if you are interested and if not, shit thats fine too I just hope you know that I appreciate what you did.
  5. kreashion

    Your scariest DayZ expierience

    Yup im on top of the outer Elektro firehouse with fairly good stuff and I don't think I can log back in just incase someone sees me