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About northman88

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. northman88

    Make hacking LEGAL - read before rage

    Actually, they did: http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_vADGnqDkynw/S4x5n8bO3aI/AAAAAAAABCQ/fVWkGbD5L98/s400/Swimming+pool+at+Auschwitz+concentration+camp.jpg
  2. northman88

    Make hacking LEGAL - read before rage

    Well, it couldn't possibly make anything worse; you can't play on a server with more than 15 people without getting shot in the back by a cheater now. People have already started using cheats to deal with real or perceived "hackers". It's so damn easy, so why bother.
  3. northman88

    Graphics bug. Never got it. ever

    How long have you been playing the game?
  4. northman88

    Is the mod dead?

    "No u". I forgot to mention that one of the main reasons the game is dying is because there are so many immature players playing it. Thanks for reminding me.
  5. northman88

    Is the mod dead?

    You interpret "as big as Minecraft" as "carbon copy of all things minecraft"? You must suffer from serious reading disabilities.
  6. northman88

    Is the mod dead?

    It's not dead, but it's slowly dying. The last three patches have only made the game worse, which is a sure sign that the code has reached its maximum potential with the platform it is currently built on. Needless to say, the cheater problem is out of control. I find it strange that the man behind this game would leave the mod in this state for so long. If he wants this to be as big as Minecraft, he should keep new players rolling in. Right now, they're rolling out and the hype has stopped.
  7. northman88

    Day Z vs The War Z

    To find out means somebody has to buy it, which is exactly what they've calculated with.