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About Skunyon

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Skunyon

    Every kill in DayZ is fair

    you made an account just to say that?
  2. Skunyon

    Every kill in DayZ is fair

    you guys are wasting your text, read his other topics there is an obvious theme...
  3. Skunyon

    g36c SD Camo

    holy shit people with integrity play this game?
  4. Skunyon

    US 1332 Ghosting+Invincible+Hacking.

    I can verify this information, I unloaded the 30 round magazine into him with my M4 from 6 meters, he was facing TheBigShide, took all 30 give or take with blood spray and his character looking to the sky from impact. As soon as I started reloading I was dead. No one can survive 30 rounds 5.56mm NATO from any distance, let alone 6 meters.
  5. it's been reported so all you crybabies can stop arguing over something that isn't in your hands to deal with in the first place