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About GhoXen

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  1. GhoXen

    Hacking must be stopped

    Crying won't make it stop. Due to the engine there isn't much the devs can do about hacking. Before they can ameliorate hacking to a significant degree in the ARMA2 version, I imagine the ARMA3 version or the standalone will come out first. There are certain things they can do to make hacking less destructive - destroy the game by removing perma-death, etc.
  2. GhoXen

    Hackers spawning bot "survivors"

    Latest? It has been there for a very long time. It's simply that the script is too obvious so it isn't used frequently nor seen frequently by people.
  3. Communication gives away your presence and sometimes your position, allowing other people to have an easier time getting the jump on you. Use mic only if you plan on 1) tricking someone not to kill you; 2) soundboard trolling.
  4. Pinned. It was intentional, right?
  5. Bad poll, because people who quit the game probably don't hang around the forums as much. To be precise though, around 800k players have quit the game.
  6. Rather than notes, it should be graffiti/writings on the walls, kinda like the ones in L4D safehouse. The writings should also adopt a voting system similar to the one in Demon's Souls/Dark Souls, that way all the "penis" graffitis get filtered out by the community.
  7. GhoXen


    39/1. Just died awhile ago due to mic trolling. =/
  8. GhoXen

    Most zombie kills you've had

    Close to 300 on this play-through now, and A LOT of murders! :D Now I'm keeping a low profile and try to avoid killing zombies, so that my name doesn't get too high on the chart and attract attention from hackers.
  9. GhoXen

    Some Anti-cheat ideas!

    Go play on private hives with anti-cheat scripts.
  10. GhoXen

    Everyones bitching :(

    You are lucky that you haven't been greatly affected by hackers, or perhaps you don't even know most of the times when you were affected by hackers! Hackers aren't just nukers. Who knows? Perhaps all those "unlucky" ambushes you ran into were set up by hackers, whom you thought were just regular bandits.
  11. GhoXen

    A potential fix for hackers?

    The only servers which manage to deter hacking to a significant degree are private hives with anti-script scripts. You can only fight fire with fire. Of course such things aren't available on public hives.
  12. GhoXen

    Medics needed

    If someone asks me to heal them, then I come and kill them. The reasons are simple: 1) They are low on health if they need healing (they may be lying about it though). 2) They'll shoot me once they are more confident with full health. Such is the way in Day Z.
  13. GhoXen

    How Low Can You Get?

    You know in most competitive FPS a player cares most about his kill counts? I guess at some point that can be said for Day Z too. In such a case an unarmed player is an easy score.
  14. You won't get in trouble for it, as long as you didn't spawn the weapon.
  15. Safety first, but otherwise? Everyone I meet. By hunt I don't just mean shoot on sight. It means tracking them slowly and carefully, until I can safely put a few rounds into them, usually by finding a suitable camping spot (e.g. outside a single-entrance building they entered).