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About Ezekiel1337

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  1. Ezekiel1337

    Help with some Log stuffes...

    Ok, thanks for the information, so if a guy appear multiple time in a row (and in short time lapse) with positions far away each other, it will be a teleport :) (considering vehicules too of course) :) Nice stuff so to track Teleporter down :)
  2. Ezekiel1337

    Help with some Log stuffes...

    No, i dont use this file, this file is new, i have it since 2 days, before, this file doesn't exist on my server (vilayer public hive, this case is for a player connected on 7 september...) I will take a look at the file you say, but what i will found in it ?
  3. hi there, in my server, i have some player who are teleporting themselves and other players. I have looking in logs (the .RPT one) and found some stranges lines for me : 10:38:05 "HIVE: WRITE: "CHILD:305:275:[231,[4817.34,2556.91,0.0118961]]:0.198247:"" 10:38:05 "HIVE: WRITE: "CHILD:306:275:[["wheel_2_1_steering",1],["wheel_2_2_steering",1],["motor",0.8]]:0.0669291:"" 10:38:06 "Locality Event" 10:38:06 "HIVE: WRITE: "CHILD:305:0:[289,[1294.79,8392.97,0.0115967]]:0:"" 10:38:07 "Locality Event" 10:38:07 "HIVE: WRITE: "CHILD:309:12948839300289:[[[],[]],[[],[]],[[],[]]]:"" 10:38:07 "HIVE: WRITE: "CHILD:306:0:[]:0:"" i assume that line starting with 10:38:11 "HIVE: WRITE: "CHILD:305:275: are line tracing a vehicule (here 275 is the vehicule ID) and what about 10:38:06 "HIVE: WRITE: "CHILD:305:0:[289,[1294.79,8392.97,0.0115967]]:0:"", i have no vehicule with the ID "0", is it related with the last vehicule trace ? (in this case, it seems that this vehicule is teleporting) or is this completly a different thing ? (dayz antihax and bec are installed and running with the latest Updated files) I hope for a day without cheaters on my servers..... thanks for the answers you can give to me :)
  4. How doing if i havn't a steam account ? (box version)
  5. Hi there, i use your awesome Dart Tool :) But i have sme issue : when i use global say or player say function, global or player messages can be read Ingame, but i cant read message sent from InGame, i can read them some times, like 10 per cent message can be read from dart when sent from InGame players. Is there anythung i miss ?
  6. Ezekiel1337

    Teleport cheat at FR23

    Same for me, and in 3 differents servers, server crash, then, when i log in after reboot, teleport at the southest point of the map, under the airstrip (on the map), need to walk again and again to my previous location, with all the risk it contain, exciting in a way, but boring in another to do the same path all the days, but seems to be fixed since the last patch.
  7. Ok, so , we have successed to join a team member of your staff, and he has succes to set up our server. So the case is closed for me :) So thank you Jeremy from the VL staff for helping us (and for have trying to speak french ;) and speak slowly to let me understand what he says). The hardest thing is to enter in contact with someone, when it's done, it's become fast and all is good, thanks again.
  8. i have open a ticket..... then, in addition, i'm going in ts with this number ticket in my nickname (as they recommended to do to speed up the process).....
  9. So, after 11 hours of waiting alone on the ts, always no support. MUST I TAKE MY MONEY BACK FROM PAYPAL AND GO AWAY ON ANOTHER HOSTER ???
  10. I have (my friend) connected in TS3, with our ticket number on our name, comeone at 11.30 AM say it will be resolved in approx 30min, we are at 04:49 PM, nobody come back, and always in the "pending configuration" channel... So if someone can come and try to help us..... tickets number #515282 thanks