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Dr. Disco

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About Dr. Disco

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  1. Dr. Disco

    More hackers encouraged to hack

    The jeep thing isn't a hack. It's because you drove it before you repaired it.
  2. Well apparently the character that I want only exists on one server.
  3. Nevermind, I just logged into another servers with crosshairs disabled and I loaded onto my character without my good items. So yeah, I guess that server wasn't connected to the hive. I should've figured by the fact that it wasn't even a numbered server.
  4. No, I just logged into the server that I was playing on last night when I had that character and I'm now playing as the one who logged off in Cherno. I think I may have figured it out. I've noticed that each server that I spawn with a different character in has different settings enabled/disabled: Notice how server US106 has something with crosshairs (indicated by the little white "+" while the server above it does not. Each of those servers I have different characters on.
  5. So last night I ended up picking up some supplies, then logging out and logging back in in Balota because of the stupid visual glitch where object distort and block your view. When I got back on, I had no items and I spawned in Kamenka. So I just said "Oh well" and found new items. Now I ended up getting much better items and I logged out last night in Cherno and went to sleep. However, when I logged back in this evening, I spawned in Balota with all of my items that I had when I originally lost my inventory. What is going on and how can I get to my "other character"?
  6. Alright, thanks guys. Hopefully we'll get an update soon.
  7. I've had it open one time before, but any other time I try to open it, it just doesn't open. How do I fix this?
  8. Dr. Disco

    When you die, do you keep your Ghillie suit?

    Damn that's rough.
  9. I was told that you do by a friend, but I'd like to verify.
  10. Dr. Disco

    Poll: DayZ or The War Z?

    So basically... Day-Z Pros: Familiarity Cons: Bugs out the ass The War Z Pros: It's its own game, so less bugs Cons: Unfamiliarity. ------ I'm sorry fellas, the War Z will be much much better.
  11. Dr. Disco

    How do I find servers with Side Chat?

    That sucks. Side Chat is awesome.
  12. Is there an icon or something that indicates whether or not the server has side chat?